Make Love not War – How to Control an Unruly Class Classroom Management by Heather Johnson - July 25, 2008June 16, 20162 This article is contributed by Heather Johnson, who regularly writes on California teacher certification. She invites your questions and writing job opportunities at her personal email address: heatherjohnson2323 at gmail dot com. Teaching children is arguably the most taxing job in the world -- it demands a great deal of patience and tolerance all through the day, every day of school. A good teacher takes the extra effort needed to ensure that the children understand what's taught, not just in the way of lessons but in the way of life too. Sometimes a teacher's patience is put to the test in the form of difficult students, those who will just not fall in line with the rest of the class. And at
Gone Wild: Classroom Jobs Classroom Management by Miss A - July 23, 2008July 25, 201613 Hello, Readers. I decided to take Joel up on his offer of EduBloggers Gone Wild. My name is Miss A and you can find me at Confessions From the Couch. I am beginning my 4th year of teaching in an urban school district and no longer under new teacher status. I feel like I’m at a place where I must CONTRIBUTE to the edublogging community. As I enter into the this new phase of my career, I am using blogging as a reflective and personal growth tool-with limited complaining and griping-because I love my job and the impact it has on my life. My goal is to share my ideas as well as solicit the ideas of other teachers out