Is The Next Bill Gates, Your Class Clown? Inspiration by Maria Rainier - November 29, 2010May 30, 20162 This guest post is contributed by Maria Rainier, she writes on the topic of online education. John Jacob Astor, multimillionaire businessman. John Jacob Astor was America's first multimillionaire. He was also a high school dropout. Woody Allen once said “I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics final. I looked within the soul of the boy sitting next to me.†Woody Allen really was thrown out of NYU after just a single semester for poor grades. If you’re an educator or thinking about becoming one there is no doubt that you have run into the disruptive, irritating, distracting, wisecracking and sometimes funny class clown. We all have either been sitting in class with one, have taught one or have been one. When researching this
Make Love not War – How to Control an Unruly Class Classroom Management by Heather Johnson - July 25, 2008June 16, 20162 This article is contributed by Heather Johnson, who regularly writes on California teacher certification. She invites your questions and writing job opportunities at her personal email address: heatherjohnson2323 at gmail dot com. Teaching children is arguably the most taxing job in the world -- it demands a great deal of patience and tolerance all through the day, every day of school. A good teacher takes the extra effort needed to ensure that the children understand what's taught, not just in the way of lessons but in the way of life too. Sometimes a teacher's patience is put to the test in the form of difficult students, those who will just not fall in line with the rest of the class. And at