Spring Break Is Here…What to Do, What to Do… Music Education by Joel Wagner - March 18, 2009June 30, 20105 Well, I'm sitting here in a motel room in San Antonio. I am trading some of my time with a band director friend. I came here to teach trumpet and horn sectionals yesterday since I'm on spring break this week and he had it last week. In turn, he's going to come in next week and clinic my band. Basically what that means is that he's going to rehearse them for two hours and tell them stuff they can do to make it better. It also gives me a chance to step back and listen more closely. When I'm conducting and everything, I hear things, but not everything. This is why I record my band regularly. As an aside, if you
Whitespace General by Joel Wagner - March 15, 2008July 2, 20106 Have you noticed that People really don't like As I prepare my bands for the UIL Concert & Sight Reading contest that is now less than a month away, I have noticed that they seem to have a big problem with rests. For the uninitiated, rests in music represent silence. If I reduce the amount of noise that I make, my students will be more likely to hear the important things I tell them As I was talking with one of the classes on Friday about the incredible importance of the rests, I made a correlation about how we don't like rests because people really don't like silence. In the visual arts, typography, and graphic