9 Free Tools For Better Blogging Blogging & Technology by Karen Schweitzer - September 14, 2009July 5, 20163 In this article, Karen Schweitzer digs into some tools that blogging educators can use. She initially listed 15 in 2009, but 6 of those tools are no longer around. So now, enjoy 9 Free Tools For Better Blogging. Teachers and other education professionals who are interested in starting their own blog or integrating blogging into a classroom can find many online resources to improve their blogging experience. Many of these resources are free and easy to implement on a variety of platforms. Here are 15 no-cost tools to explore today: Edmodo - This free microblogging platform was created for students and teachers who want to be able to blog and share files through a private connection. Edmodo works a lot like Twitter--it allows threaded