The Good Part of Sad by Teachermum Stress Reduction by teachermum - July 14, 2011May 30, 20160 Teachermum is a mum, a wife and a special education teacher. She also believes in the "Crumple Effect" and loves sharing her ideas, experiences, philosophies and successful strategies on her blog. Read more of her posts at Sad. That is what I am feeling right now. I can give you a good number of reasons why I am sad, but that is not the intention of my blog post. I can also add a whole bunch of other emotions such as frustration, disappointment, anger and exhaustion into sad, but for now, I will umbrella them all under sad.  I hope, as I start out writing this, that I can ultimately express my message clearly and use my sadness as a tool to
How to Empower Your Students Inspiration by Kelly Curtis - July 28, 2008July 1, 20105 (Guest post by author/educator Kelly Curtis) Sometimes when I speak to fellow educators about youth empowerment, the idea of following student leadership on a project is seen as a complication in an already burdened schedule. In certain situations, this may be true -- and it's a valid concern. But it doesn’t have to be the case. Obviously it depends on the project, and it may not work with much of the standard curriculum. But in my experience – as well as that of educators I interviewed in the course of writing my book -- sometimes the process of empowering young people can make special projects more efficient, more meaningful, and less work for the educator. As a school counselor,