My Teaching Philosophy: The 50 Word Version General by Joel Wagner - November 16, 2008July 1, 20101 If I accomplish nothing more, students should leave my class with a deeper grasp and appreciation of music. I strive to nurture an environment of love, respect, high expectations, and high achievement, primarily by teaching and implementing basic classroom behavioral skills. Fifty word post inspired by Abraham at 22 Words.
Overcoming Adversity Inspiration by Joel Wagner - November 18, 2007July 5, 20102 As teachers, how often do we stop to think about how much of an impact we could potentially make in the life of one of our students. Even if that student doesn't ever thank us or even show marked improvement in their academic skills or behavior or whatever, we still may be helping him. Our job is often thankless. Our job is often life-changing. We will not know this side of heaven the number of lives we have changed. I was recently contacted by a reader who shared an amazing story with me. This deaf man, Stephen J. Hopson, was changed by three simple words from his fifth grade teacher. The story, and the accompanying video, truly made me smile.
Reader Appreciation: Miss A Reader Appreciation by Miss A - November 13, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Miss A.Name: Miss A Location: Urban city in the South Occupation: Teacher, World history, African American History 9-12 grade. Mostly 9th grade Blog: Confessions From The Couch Tell me some of your favorite things about your job Facilitating games, watching students "get it," being able to explore diverse issues and situations. Tell me some things you loved about your favorite teacher(s) They were interactive, they were demanding, had high expectations, friendly. List some of your most effective classroom management strategies Interactive classroom seating chart, behavior contracts. Name (up to) three other blogs that you frequently visit/subscribe Secondhand Thoughts Teaching in the Inner