137 Tech Resources For Teachers and Students General by Joel Wagner - May 21, 2010June 30, 20100 Back in March of 2009, I received my first guest post submission from Karen Schweitzer entitled 50 Online Reference Sites for Teachers. At the time, she was barely building her online portfolio by sending out guest posts to edublog across the web. As best as I can tell, So You Want To Teach? was one of the first blogs she submitted articles for. As soon as the article went live, it quickly became one of the most popular pages on the entire blog. In fact, that article alone received some 275 views the first three weeks it was up. At the time, that was huge. For comparison, 14 months later, I posted a guest article 8 Teachers Who Changed History
Google Wave Will Revolutionize Online Classroom Instruction Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - September 30, 2009June 30, 20105 Today is the day. Thousands of new users will be presented with the opportunity to get their hands on Google Wave. What is Google Wave? Google Wave is a brand new technology that positions itself as the way Email would have been made if it were invented today. (Watch the 1:20:12 long video clip) Imagine a combination between Email, IM, Twitter, Facebook, and Skype all bundled into one. Now imagine it being drag-and-drop easy, live-updated, and being constantly improved. Then throw on top of that an eager community of developers seeking ways to make it even easier to use and more powerful. Cool, but what does it look like? I haven't gotten my invitation yet, but am eagerly awaiting
But I Don’t Have Time To Subscribe To Your Blog! Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - September 8, 2007July 5, 20106 I knew of RSS about five years ago, but only in the context of news sites. I started seeing the little icon popping up on more and more sites, but I thought very little of it. It wasn't until around a year ago that I was introduced to Google Reader. It revolutionized the way I get information online. If you have never really dug into RSS feeds much and you like to get information online, then it will do the same for you too. I didn't want to spend the time figuring out why I should be interested in this stuff. Then I found out that it's incredibly simple! Getting started in the world of RSS can all be explained