The Overlooked Articles of 2008 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - December 27, 2008July 1, 20100 In continuing my review of the year, I am looking today at some of the articles that I wish were more popular. They may have received a handful of comments, or they may not have received any. The most common cause for their relative obscurity is that they are older articles and have gotten lost. Even so, many of them haven’t received a whole lot of traffic. So I’m dusting them off, polishing them up, and repackaging them here. Two dozen overlooked articles of 2008 January 14th, 2008 8 Ways Blogging Makes Me A Better Teacher January 20th, 2008 What If… January 31st, 2008 Clinicians February 11th, 2008 Hyper-Focus Fosters Higher Quality Output February 21st, 2008 Apologizing March 15th, 2008 Whitespace March 17th, 2008 You’ve Been
10 Reasons to Love Rural Schools Inspiration by Waski the Squirrel - July 23, 2008July 1, 20106 This is a guest post by Waski The Squirrel. Joel's invitation to be a guest-writer here was a prime opportunity to advertise the joys of teaching in rural America. I run a small blog on Townhall. Rural America is an ignored sector of education, except in the occasional news article about poverty. I can't really contrast rural America with anywhere else. I've always taught in rural schools: first in Pennsylvania and now in North Dakota. My current school educates about 450 students who come from an area of just over 1000 square miles. When I first moved to North Dakota 10 years ago, I discovered that "rural" is a relative term. The school where I student taught back in