This Is Why This Site Exists Inspiration by Joel Wagner - June 21, 2010June 30, 20100 Emails like this are the reason this site exists. I am an 11-year high school English teaching veteran in the Los Angeles area. Most of my teaching was done in the trenches of suburban, low-SES "nay-bah-HOODS" and the fringes of, um, gangsta lands. (I teach English ... go figure.) I've had my share of awesome kids, classes and experiences, and I've had my share of kids who practice "learned helplessness" and come to school looking like Snoop Droopy Drawers. Overall, I love my subject matter, and love working with high school age kids, especially helping them to "read, write and think your world" (one of my class mottoes). I wanted to thank you for your no-nonsense, honest site that both
I Give Up! 10 Reasons Why I Am Quitting My Teaching Job Why Teachers Quit by Joel Wagner - April 1, 2008July 2, 201014 DISCLAIMER: Please read all of the comments and this article before taking this things too seriously. The reasons given in here are real concerns that I have, but they are definitely outweighed by a number of much more positive elements of teaching. For a more serious look at the situation, please read 9 Reasons To Quit Teaching (And 10 Reasons To Stick). I have been an advocate for teaching and getting new blood into the teaching pool since I started my blog. I love teaching. But I can't see myself as a teacher much beyond this school year. At least in the traditional sense of the word. So I give up. I am quitting my teaching job after this year. Why would I do