Top 10 Things I Learned This Year At TMEA Music Education by Joel Wagner - February 17, 2008July 2, 20101 I returned home from the Texas Music Educators Association clinic and convention this weekend. It was different TMEA experience for me than what I have been accustomed to in the past. One of the primary reasons for this was because I desperately needed the vacation more than I have in the past. If you've been following my blog, you know that the band director with whom I work had a stroke in December and has now been out for 8 weeks of classes. The workload I have is not more than I can handle at any given time, but when combined, it adds up and has been taking its toll on me. He anticipates being back before spring break. Only
Weekend Wrapup 08/06/07 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - August 6, 2007July 5, 20101 Today is my sister's birthday. Happy birthday Joel's sister. :) My birthday is also this Wednesday. It's not an education post, but the organization stuff covered is great. I love Zen Habits, and Leo once again hits a homerun here. How to Simplify Your Filing System; or, Why Stacking Just Doesn't Work. How many teachers need to read this one? I am specifically thinking about my high school and middle school English teachers here... John Pearson over at Learn Me Good has written his 300th blog post. It includes a wonderful review of his recently published book of the same name, Learn Me Good. I think I want to buy me a copy of that book. Or maybe John will