Mark Your Calendars, The Blog Revolution Project Is Coming… Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - April 19, 2008July 2, 201010 They say that April showers bring May flowers South Texas doesn’t experience nearly as much rain as the Dallas/Fort Worth area does. I almost miss the weekly tornado warnings and lightning shows we had up there. But I like being able to see stars at night, it’s a crazy cool trade-off. Nevertheless, April is the traditional month, at least according to the old adage, for rain. There have been quite a few links to So You Want To teach? coming in recently. I want to highlight them, as well as focus on a few other things as I look ahead to May. You see, May will be a record-breaking month for So You Want To teach? and you can join in the action! I am going to spend the month looking in depth at ways to start your very own Blog Revolution Project. I’m going to challenge all of my blogger friends (and anyone else out there who wants to join me) to do the daily projects. So why should I participate? Here’s a list of six different benefits you and your blog will get from joining and participating in the Blog Revolution Project. Link love. When you sign up to join the Blog Revolution, I will include a link to your blog on this page, as well as the “official” introduction to the series that will be posted on May 1st. Blog exposure. Quite simply, I am going to market this project quite a bit and try to bring in as much traffic as possible. All of the linked blogs should get quite a bit of traffic as a result of the project. The earlier you hop on board and the more you participate in the projects, the more exposure your blog will get. Residual impact. This series should become one of the most popular sets of articles on my blog soon. As a result, I anticipate search engine and link referrals long past the month of May. Each trackback or well-conceived comment that you post in the project will bring new readers to your blog. Your blog will be better. Who doesn’t want their blog to be better? Over the last 15 months or so, I have learned quite a bit about blog design and growing a blog. If you get even one positive thing from the project, it will benefit your blog and others as well! You will personally benefit. As you commit to work on your blog, you will gain skills that can be transferred across a wide variety of disciplines. Blogging makes Bert a better photographer. Blogging makes Ginger a better real estate agent. Blogging makes lutherpunk better at lots of stuff. In fact, if you look at the list below, you’ll see that my article 8 Ways Blogging Makes Me A Better Teacher seems to resonate with quite a few readers. Your readers will benefit. As you strive to make your blog better, the result is that the information you send out is more applicable to your readers. That will result in more readers signing up to your blog. That will result in more people linking to your blog. Then you too can host your own Blog Revolution Project. But not in May! See also Lollipops ComicThe whole project is set to officially begin on May 5th and will last for four weeks. Mark your calendars! if you don’t yet have a blog, get one. Sign up for a free blog through, edublogs (if you’re involved in education), or Blogger. But first… I want you to help make So You Want To teach? even better. I want you to help make my blog more reader-friendly before the whole thing starts. Simply, I want you to rate articles. Get in the habit of rating new articles I write. Go into the archives and rate old articles. Find your favorite. Find your least favorite. Give them a star or two or five. Now that that’s all out of the way, here are the super cool kids who have recently linked to my blog! Thank you so much! You people are awesome. I am extremely back-logged with life and email and blogging and all that, but please understand that I do read every comment and it thrills me to death to read some of the stuff I’ve read recently from you folks! Learn to ignore Join the campaign for 100 music education bloggers! Why I Blog I got the job…now what? 50 Reasons Why I Enjoy Being A Teacher Web 2.0 Tool of Choice Thanks again to everyone for linking over here and for appreciating the stuff I write. Now let’s see how many of the recent comments I can find time to reply to… Joel WagnerJoel Wagner (@sywtt) began teaching band in 2002. Though he had a lot of information, his classes were out of control. He found himself tired, frustrated, disrespected by students, lonely, and on the brink of quitting. He had had enough. He resigned from his school district right before spring break of his second year and made it his personal mission to learn to be a great teacher. So You Want To Teach? is the ongoing story of that quest for educational excellence.
WordPress is a far superior platform to edublogs and Blogger, IMO. What will these daily projects entail?
@Benjamin: The plan is to focus a week on writing, a week on reader experience, a week on marketing, and a week on networking. @ms_teacher: I’m glad to hear from you again! I like your new Gravatar, by the way too! Anyone who is interested in participating is invited to put the graphic on their site and link to this post!
Dude, You know I’m game for just about anything. I’m just lazy. So tell me what I need to do, and I’ll do it. Eventually.
@Mister Teacher: Awesome. I’m going to have daily missions. If people would take up the challenge and try their hand at even a few of the missions, they should see some improvements to their blog. The challenges will be geared toward helping you become a better writer as well as making your blog more reader-oriented. Topics will include RSS feeds, blog layout, commenting, blog carnivals, search optimization, etc. It should be exciting.
I’m in… I don’t know if I can sustain a daily blogging task for a month, but I’m ready for the challenge. If I can write two posts on Fibonacci numbers in one night, I can do anything, right? Now what exactly is it I’m signing my soul over for?
Outstanding idea. I would love to join in. Is it too late? I do not see a spot for an official sign up, but keep reading the phrase “sign up” when joining this project. Thanks.