Lose The Training Wheels And Embrace Failure New Teachers by Joel Wagner - February 26, 2011February 26, 20111 Remember the first time you realized you were riding a bicycle by yourself? Probably not. But what about when you first got to drive solo? Your parents trusted you enough to give you the keys and go out on your own! It was a great feeling. If you're like most people, you were so scared of messing up that you were nervous and overcautious. Do you ever see the "Student Driver" cars where they put their turn signal on two blocks before turning and check the mirror seven times before changing lanes? For many of us, teaching was once like that. For some, it still is. Fast forwardWhat happened after a few years? You began to drive like a pro! Some
Less Stress: Declutter Your Car Stress Reduction by Joel Wagner - October 12, 2007July 5, 20101 If we've been following the stress reduction tips so far, we now have a clean desk at work, a clean computer desktop at work and home, we have begun to organize our email habits, and our house is beginning to look nicer. All of those things can be great, but if we have a 30 minute commute to and from work each day, a messy car will only take away from those efforts. I have a 5 minute commute, and when my car is messy, it bothers me. Keeping the car under control is a pretty simple process of simply bringing things inside after each trip. As with everything this week, the problem comes in actually establishing those habits. Other