Planned Neglect Personal by Joel Wagner - December 27, 2009June 30, 20102 The new year always brings with it a certain air of excitement and a new set of challenges. 2010 is no exception. With the first major chunk of the 2009-2010 school year out of the way, I'm looking back on where it has taken me and there are, quite honestly, a great number of changes that I see as being pressing needs in my life. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be looking more in-depth into some of these changes and really digging into where I see things headed. Entering this year, I am 31 years old. While this isn't old by any contemporary standards, I also look at some of the notable people throughout history and
Help Me Change The World! Seriously General by Joel Wagner - August 8, 2007July 5, 20101 On July 4th, author Timothy Ferriss wrote a blog entry about changing the world. In response to his request for ideas, I wrote: As a teacher, your book has revolutionized the way I intend on teaching next year. I am going to start the year checking emails once a day and then gradually decrease that to two days a week. It’s amazing how much time most teachers waste with mundane and unimportant tasks. Your points on the difference between efficient and effective have really changed my paradigm of work. I wrote a blog article about it. I would definitely send at least a small chunk of the books to leaders in the National Science Teachers Association. Science teachers talkto other
How Do I Keep My Sanity? Stress Reduction by Joel Wagner - June 13, 2007May 29, 20160 This article is part 7 of the series Questions That Will Save Your Career. Please read the other articles in the series. How Do I Keep My Students Quiet? How Do I Keep My Students Engaged? How Do I Keep My Students Interested? How Do I Keep My Students Learning? How Do I Keep My Students Away From Me? How Do I Keep My School Administration Happy? How Do I Keep My Sanity? 10 Years of Teaching: How Do I Keep My Students Quiet? 10 Years of Teaching: How Do I Keep My Students Engaged? 10 Years of Teaching: How Do I Keep My Students Interested? 10 Years of Teaching: How Do I Keep My Students Learning? 10 Years of
Do You Run The Risk of Becoming Successful? Inspiration by Joel Wagner - March 21, 2007July 6, 20160 The time from spring break to the end of the school year often seems like a battle between students and teachers to see who is most ready for the summer to begin. One of the teachers I worked with in my first job was fond of saying, "When you look forward to Monday more than Friday, you run the risk of becoming successful." I find this to be true in most anything. Success comes on the heels of both starting well and finishing strongly. When you look forward to Monday more than Friday, you run the risk of becoming successful.Applied to the teaching profession, I have come to the point where I look forward to the beginning of the school day