Find A Motivator (Total Teacher Transformation Day 5) Inspiration by Joel Wagner - May 7, 2009June 30, 20102 This is an article in the Total Teacher Transformation series. Click here for a complete table of contents. Yesterday we looked at making phone calls and using parent pressure as a motivator for classroom management. Today, we're going to go with a slightly more high-brow alternative, and one that tends to be more effective over the long run. Hopefully by now, you have begun to exercise a little more control in your classroom. I was telling a friend the other day that when I teach, it's sort of like I'm acting. I assume the roll of Benevolent Dictator of the classroom. I mentally tell myself that I am in control of the classroom, and I make sure that the students know that
Old School Classroom Management Classroom Management by Joel Wagner - January 3, 2008July 2, 20100 It still works. Check it out at NYC Educator. I wish I could say I handle it the good ol' boy way all the time. I don't. What I have discovered is that as I get older and wiser (ha), I handle misbehaviors better. The key is coming up with a contingency plan and knowing how you will respond to certain behaviors.