How To Make This Year The Best of Your Career New Teachers by Atticus Parker - August 4, 2010August 31, 20104 This guest post was written by Atticus from I was chuffed earlier this month when Joel asked me to write guest post for his edublog SYWTT. I was however also nervous. Joel has created an enviable web presence with SYWTT through an obvious passion for teaching, hard work and obvious dedication. I didn’t want to let him down. The topic he suggested was 'How To Make This Year The Best of Your Career'. Wow, I thought. A topic like that calls for an action plan. A list. So I have resorted to an old favourite of blog readers - the list article. Many blog articles today feature a list. Do Lists.
2008 Edublog Award Nominations Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - November 11, 2008July 1, 20104 Nominations are open for the 2008 Edublog Awards. This is an opportunity to recognize outstanding Edubloggers for all of their hard work and service to the Edublogging community. Since Thanksgiving is the time for sharing, I thought I'd nominate a few outstanding blogs here. It's hard to narrow it down, but these are the ones that came to mind now. Ask me again in an hour and they might all change... Best individual blog - Creating Lifelong Learners (Matthew Needleman) Best group blog -Teacher Magazine Blogboard Best resource sharing blog - Successful Teaching (Pat) Most influential blog post - Cell phone cameras in the K-12 classroom: Punishable offenses or student-citizen journalism? (Dangerously Irrelevant) Best teacher blog - Learn Me
More Links: Wednesday Website #3 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - July 11, 2007July 5, 20101 Wow. Today seems like Link To SoYouWantToTeach day in the blog world. Maybe I really should go on vacation more often! Eric Turner has featured my site as his Wedneday Website #3 for the week. Some of his comments include: First of all, the blog is written by a guy! Finally! A edublog written by a guy! I try. I like this guy cause he is posting some genuinely good stuff for teachers (or future teachers). Additionally, he has done everything possible to help you navigate his website; directing you to the posts you should read first and then elsewhere and such. When I first went on it, I felt like I was on a road map, it was that