5 Signs You’d Be A Great Teacher Classroom Management New Teachers by Jason Phillips - July 2, 20190 Are you thinking about becoming a teacher? Teachers are one of the most important parts of our workforce as they train our future leaders. Their care, compassion, and educational training make them one of the most important people in schools and colleges. As a teacher, you will interact with children and students on a daily basis - the words you tell them will be ingrained in them long after your lecture ends. Becoming a teacher means taking up a lot of responsibility, but if you have fun while you’re doing it- it will never feel like a burden! If you are thinking about the job prospects and salary, then being a teacher is one of the safest professions to get into.
Homework and study – key practices that will make it easier for both parents and kids General by Jason Phillips - March 14, 20172 When it comes to doing homework, both parents and kids are stressed out. As you may have already noticed, it’s a lot more difficult than you think to persuade kids to study, especially after a long weekend or tiring spring vacation filled with fun activities. The good news is there are practices you can try out to make both your life and the life of you kid a lot easier. Make better house rules First thing’s first. You might want to limit TV time, and make that a house rule. When it’s time for homework, you should close the TV and compel your child to stay focused on the assignment they have to complete. After they’re done, you can allow them
Six major barriers to teachers using technology Blogging & Technology New Teachers by Jason Phillips - January 8, 20178 The use of advanced technology in education has been severely affected by frail digital literacy skills. However, experts agree that despite being spiteful and prevalent, it is a concern that can be solved. Sadly, some issues caused by technology can’t be addressed; at least, not yet. Six main impediments are harming the system, and they’re categorized in 3 main groups: • Impediments that cause trouble, but to some degree, can be fixed • Impediments that tough to handle and demand substantial resources to be fixed • Impediments that can be fixed by teachers and educational institutions Digital literacy Both the young and the old are affected by digital literacy. And no matter how hard we try, this concern won’t get fixed by itself. That’s because
How students are taking advantage of education tools available in technology Classroom Management by Jason Phillips - December 5, 20166 Technology fosters fundamental structural changes, and can be used by students to attain significant productivity improvements. Used to support learning and teaching, the tools available mend experiences, expand course offerings, and keep students’ perceptions wide and diversified while at the same time boosting motivation and engagement. Technology accelerates learning, and has the power to alter teaching methods by ushering a brand-new way of connected teaching. The model helps professors and teaches gain more access to resources, professionally-written content, and systems that help them perfect and personalize their learning. Online learning tools and the use of open-source educational resources increase productivity and accelerate learning rates; they also reduce costs linked to program delivery and instructional material. Here are some of the best
How technology can help create and foster an individualized learning environment Classroom Management by Jason Phillips - November 13, 201611 Here’s an interesting irony: we live in a society that values creativity and encourages individualism, yet the education system is rigid, generalized, and treats everybody the same. In its defense, neither the necessity nor the means for an individualized learning environment were present until recently, so its current state of the education system is not exactly surprising. However, with the technology revolution here, there’s no reason not to embrace what technology has to offer. Here’s how technology can help create and foster and individualized learning environment and polish the bright minds of tomorrow. BYOD BYOD is an acronym mostly used in IT-related jobs, but which is slowly making its way into education as well. It stands for “Bring Your Own Deviceâ€, and
Three tips when you consider your child’s daily interaction with technology Blogging & Technology Classroom Management by Jason Phillips - October 3, 20161 There’s no better proof for the fact that technology is the future than the numerous surveys whichindicate that 70% to 90% of the children from US and Europe have some sort of online presence by the time they are 2 years old. Whether we’re talking about some tweets or photos shared by their parents on social platforms, or full-fledged accounts on said networks, one thing’s for sure – children nowadays are growing up embraced by technology, and while that’s not a bad thing in itself, it can be risky if it’s not done right. You, as a parent, need to make sure your child is putting technology to good use. Here are three tips when you consider your child’s daily
Gamification of Education: How to Bring it into Your Classroom General by Kelly Smith - August 4, 2016August 3, 20160 If only students loved attending class as much as they loved playing video games. Sometimes, the issue is that the benefits and achievements of education just aren’t as tangible or immediate as the rewards of leveling up in a video game. Video games are fun, and attending school is compulsory. What if you could restructure your classroom to function like a video game? It’s a novel idea, but a surprising amount of educators have taken this approach – and it’s starting to catch on!  Leveling Up In school, you slowly build your intellectual strength. In a game, you level up. It’s a clear promotion, and the recognition you receive for achieving the next level is extremely rewarding. In most games, higher levels
July 2016 On SYWTT Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - August 1, 20160 July 2016 was a great month as I continue getting back into the blogging groove of things. Below are some highlights. I discovered Pinterest and began to see that many of the articles on my site don't look so great on there. As a result, I began making images to go along with my new articles. Additionally, I have begun going back through the archives to create images for some of the more popular older articles. As time progresses, I will get to more and more of them. Along with that, I continue going back and adjusting formatting of old articles, as web standards have changed quite a bit since 2007. I have also started work on curating some of the articles by creating resource
10 Things To Do Before The First Day of School New Teachers by Joel Wagner - July 28, 2016August 9, 20160 As the new school year approaches, many new teachers find themselves entering the ranks of professional educators for the first time. Maybe that's you. Or maybe you're a college student beginning your student teaching process. Or a new teacher who experienced a bit of frustration last year. Whatever the case may be, the new school year brings with it a certain sense of excitement and nervousness. This article explores 10 things to do before the first day of school. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail Any experienced educator can tell you that the best school years are those that start off on the right foot. And those same people have just as many horror stories of problems that stem from poor planning. As
3 Ways Classroom Tech Can Boost Education Results Blogging & Technology by Jason Phillips - July 11, 2016July 10, 20161 As we advance further into the 21st century, increasingly more educational institutions are realizing that advanced technology can be put good use in the classroom; rather than ignore its potential, teachers should welcome and embrace it but use it wisely for students to reap the benefits. Laptops and iPads are slowly but steady replacing the conventional textbooks, not to mention that the internet is a pool of information. Students can gain access to online libraries, dictionaries and encyclopedias with just a click of a button. But then again, we have some drawbacks. Many believe that social media and full access to online data is doing more harm than good. Some experts believe that technology is preventing students from reading actual books. And
The Many Benefits of Music Education [Infographic] Music Education by Joel Wagner - July 8, 2016July 7, 20162 Research abounds regarding the incredible benefits of music education. The University of Florida has put together an infographic called "Why Music? The Many Benefits of a Musical Education."Among the benefits listed Benefits to the brain and general learning skills The benefits listed include verbal intelligence, reading skills, fine motor skills, abstract thinking, vocabulary acquisition, and memory. Benefits to academic achievement These include better listening ability, higher SAT scores, higher academic grades, better science skills, greater percentage of extracurricular participation, higher GPA, greater likelihood of enrollment in moderately- and highly-selective universities, much lower dropout rates, and these gains are more pronounced in low-income students. Benefits to life skills and personal enrichment These include helping students become more employable, participate in the political process, volunteer and engage their community, have higher self-confidence,
10 Teaching Myths Busted [Infographic] General by Joel Wagner - July 5, 2016July 10, 20160 Most teachers came to their first teaching job with some beliefs that we have since learned were not true. This article explores ten of those teaching myths.
Integrating Classroom Safety with the Youngsters General by Aileen Pablo - June 29, 2016July 28, 20160 In this article, Aileen Pablo examines the issue of classroom safety, especially regarding younger students. So often, we take basic safety knowledge for granted and forget that we learned those lessons at some point. Teachers and schools aren't just responsible for educating children; when kids are in their "custody" for the school day, they are also legally tasked with keeping them safe. Unfortunately, that's sometimes easier said than done when you've got hundreds of excitable little ones who are far more interested in playing around. And with the youngest kids, they may not even have a sense of basic safety or know how to keep themselves out of harm's way. Because of these things, it’s all too common for children to put themselves
How To Actually Enjoy Teaching A Class You Don’t Want To Teach General by Joel Wagner - June 23, 2016June 23, 20160 You want me to teach what? Imagine my surprise the first day of my job one year when I found out that I was teaching Music History and that there was no curriculum for the class, no budget for it, and no textbook. The class was used to fulfill the fine arts credit that student needed to graduate, so I could reasonably expect that less than 25% of the students had any kind of working knowledge of music. In fact, most of them would inevitably want to listen to exclusively hip hop music and complain about anything that was produced more than 5 years earlier. Other teachers who had taught the class explained to me that they just show movies, or spend a semester teaching music theory and then a
Common New Teacher Struggles (And How To Deal With Them) New Teachers by Zoe Anderson - June 22, 2016August 5, 20161 Being a teacher is one of the most stressful jobs a person can have, and if you’re a teacher, you will know that one of the most stressful periods during the job occurs in the first year. Being a new teacher means that you will have to face the struggles and difficulties that all new jobs have, as well as having to deal with the high stakes of education; it’s a lot to take on. In this article, you will find the common new teacher struggles that every new teacher has to face, as well as the solutions to make that first year a little easier. Curricular guidance We have all experienced the first day on a new job where we are sat down