Laying Out A Legacy Personal by Joel Wagner - August 27, 2009June 30, 20106 A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how my friend Junior had posted on his blog calling for people to write about what kind of a legacy we wanted to leave. I have been thinking a whole lot over the past few months about my progression as a teacher, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to really flesh out some about what kinds of things I have been through. I've sort of broken things down by year and I would be interested to know how many other teachers could say their progress as a teacher has been similar. Clearly I have not yet arrived, but I have learned a handful of things along the way, and it's been
Why I Teach: Twitter Poll Inspiration by Joel Wagner - April 30, 2009June 30, 20108 This morning, I asked my Twitter and blogging friends the simple question: Why do you teach? While most of the responses came in via Twitter (limited to 140 characters), some also came in through the comments. What I found in my nonscientific cross sampling of technolgically literate teachers was interesting. If you missed out on your chance this morning, feel free to add your own comments below! Without any further formalities, here were the responses: @flourishingkids I teach because I love cultivating the joy and efficacy of learning @kaferico I teach because is my vocation and passion. There is never a dull day. My goal is to make every day an A-HA! moment for my students. @flotoonie To use tech