This Year Will Be The Best School Year Ever New Teachers by Pat Hensley - August 3, 2010August 3, 20102 This is a guest post by Pat Hensley from the blog Successful Teaching. As we gear up for the upcoming school year, So You Want To Teach? is featuring articles about making this school year the best year ever. I have been teaching about 30 years now and I still love teaching! I have taught all grade levels including the university level and I still feel the same way. After teaching special education classes for 28 years in public schools, I now teach teachers getting their master’s degree in special education and write a blog called Successful Teaching. I really appreciate Joel for giving me the opportunity to be a guest writer on his blog. Of course, at the beginning of the year,
Flashback Friday General by Joel Wagner - May 1, 2009June 30, 20101 I've been thinking lately about trying to have each day be a sort of theme day. I don't intend on posting every day (that's not realistic for me at this time), but I would like for things to be a bit better aligned. So for instance, if I write a list article, I'll schedule it for the next available Monday. If I have a blogging article, I'll schedule it for the next available Wednesday. Or something along those lines. Here's the ideas I've come up with: Monday Music Monday - I am a band director. I haven't posted a whole lot about teaching band. I would like to overcome that and really begin to place a bit more emphasis on the
4 Similarities Between Strep Throat And Classroom Management Classroom Management by Joel Wagner - July 27, 2007May 29, 20165 I went to the doctor today. It was the first time I've been in over a year and a half. I have strep throat. And it's summer. How lame is that? Enough with the complaining, As I was sitting here this evening wondering why my visitor numbers were a bit lower than they have been lately, I realized that I didn't write anything on here today. Then I tried swallowing again and was reminded of my strep throat. That's when I began to realize the similarities between me going to the doctor and me learning how to handle a classroom full of children. I waited until the last minute I can deal with congestion. I can deal with coughing. I have been