It’s Time For An Attitude Adjustment Personal by Joel Wagner - August 31, 2007July 5, 20101 We put a sign up a few places around the band hall on Wednesday. It says: EVERYONE NEEDS AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT Choose Your Attitude :) :( I decided that I needed to take that advice myself. So I am going to adjust my attitude. I was reminded yesterday just how different 7th graders are than 6th graders. I said something to one of my favorite students (yes, teachers have favorites) in class. It wasn't intended as a rude remark, but it was sarcastic. She obviously took it the wrong way, and she began crying. There was no sobbing or anything, but there were definitely tears. That tore me up. Then I was at church that night. We were studying Galatians
Organization Leads To Sanity Stress Reduction by Joel Wagner - June 14, 2007July 5, 20102 After a conversation with another teacher last night, I started looking through the archives. I realized that I have written a few times about having a clean desk and a clean desktop on my computer, but I have never really given a step-by-step guide of how I got there and some of the things I do to maintain that. If you are not yet familiar with David Allen's Getting Things Done philosophy, it is a book that covers many personal productivity issues. I have not yet read it, but have read numerous blog posts about it. The most thorough I've seen so far is here at the GTD FAQ from Zen Habits. If you have never heard anything about the