Student Teaching 2009 Update New Teachers by Joel Wagner - March 22, 2009June 30, 20100 By this point in the semester, some student teaching programs are wrapping up. Others are just about halfway through. Whatever the case, I think most of our student teacher readers are coming to realize that teaching is not quite what they expected it would be in many regards. I think many of them are beginning to realize that they will really miss (some of) the kids after they finish for the year. G. Broaddus recently noted that he has been quite a bit more busy this semester than he anticipated. Unexpected events have taken place. Just under a month ago, he realized that daily blogging is a big commitment. It's okay. His blogging has definitely been valueable for him, as
Student Teaching: Week 1 Review New Teachers by Joel Wagner - January 10, 2009June 30, 20104 With the end of what for many is the first week of student teaching, I wanted to look around at some of the blogs out there written by student teachers. I expect my Student Teaching Project to grow over the course of the semester, but for now I want to look at all of the student teaching related posts I know of from this week. Sunday January 4 - Mr. Spurlin writes out his Student Teaching Resolutions in which he lays out some plans that he has for this upcoming semester. Monday January 5 - Mattie writes The First Day... sigh in which she notices teacher dress code, students who resemble some of her former classmates, and the language