Turning The Ship: The Voyage To Becoming A Great Teacher General by Joel Wagner - April 14, 2008July 2, 20108 Dominga recently left a comment on the blog: I have a rough 5th grade class. most of them are hol overs and have behavioral problmes. There is too much attitudes(girls) there is no self control and self dicipline (two boys) what should I do. I've called parentsand it works for two days. I,ve take nots and had parents visit the school and no cigar. Give me advice. I see myslef sometimes not teaching for a good 10 minutes which is horrible. Most of the time i have to bribe them with candy oir snacks. But how far does that take me? I need a respons asap. thanx. I have felt
Organizing Your To-Do List for Maximum Productivity: Part 1 Stress Reduction by Pamela - December 10, 2007June 30, 20102 This is a guest post by Pamela, who doesn't currently have her own blog. Pamela teaches elementary in Michigan. Traditional to-do lists When I think of a traditional to-do list, I think of a sheet (or scrap) of paper with a list of all the things you need to do. This is a good start, but there are a few problems I’ve found with this type of list: There’s no organized pattern As soon as you think of something else, you just add it to the bottom of the list. As tasks are completed, you cross them off. Before long, the list is difficult to read and important tasks are overlooked because there are so many scribbles