10 Things A First Year Teacher Should Do New Teachers by Joel Wagner - September 13, 2009June 30, 201010 Do you hate your job? I just finished my third week of school and am excited about how much fun my job will be this year. It's super exciting. I remember back when I was a first year teacher, though. It wasn't quite like this. This was underscored this week when a couple of anonymous readers (disgruntled and hey) left the following comments: It's interesting reading all these comments and I was searching the internet for other jobs I could do if I wasn't a teacher.. My story is the opposite. I have a great bunch of students and a really supportive (mostly) group of parents also. I am disgruntled by the workload and also extra things that end up taking
Reader Appreciation: Pat Hensley Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 19, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Pat Hensley. Name: Pat Hensley Location: South Carolina Occupation: I was a high school special ed teacher, now I am a college instructor and educational consultant. Blog: Successful Teaching Tell me some of your favorite things about your job Sharing my experiences and helping unexperienced teachers solve problems Tell me some things you loved about your favorite teacher(s) Making me feel that I was important, listening to my ideas, and learning new things from them List some of your most effective classroom management strategies Improving students’ self concept Have a consistent behavior plan Name (up to) three other blogs that you frequently visit/subscribe