10 Things A First Year Teacher Should Do New Teachers by Joel Wagner - September 13, 2009June 30, 201010 Do you hate your job? I just finished my third week of school and am excited about how much fun my job will be this year. It's super exciting. I remember back when I was a first year teacher, though. It wasn't quite like this. This was underscored this week when a couple of anonymous readers (disgruntled and hey) left the following comments: It's interesting reading all these comments and I was searching the internet for other jobs I could do if I wasn't a teacher.. My story is the opposite. I have a great bunch of students and a really supportive (mostly) group of parents also. I am disgruntled by the workload and also extra things that end up taking
Standardized Reading Testing General by Joel Wagner - March 15, 2009June 30, 20106 I have a very simple question for the language arts teachers out there. A little background first When I was in school and took the TAAS reading exams (as well as the SAT), I quickly discovered that I am a fairly slow reader. I also don't get a lot of the specific details when I read a passage. I have since worked on developing that skill and have made some definite progress. What I learned worked best for me was to read the questions before I read the specific passages. This way I could skim through the assigned passages and know what I was looking for. Sometimes the questions were so specific that they didn't require any reading of the