Reader Appreciation: Mister Teacher Reader Appreciation by Mister Teacher - November 9, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Mister Teacher.Name: Mister Teacher Location:Near Dallas, TX Occupation: Teacher, 3rd grade math and science Blog: Learn Me Good Tell me some of your favorite things about your job My coworkers are great, I enjoy all of the funny stories that my job provides, my job is NEVER EVER boring, and when I am finally able to actually TEACH, I feel very rewarded when that little light bulb goes off. Tell me some things you loved about your favorite teacher(s) Kept things interesting, used humor, was encouraging. List some of your most effective classroom management strategies I do the same stuff as Jack Bauer on 24.
Reader Appreciation: ms_teacher Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 6, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is ms_teacher. Name: ms_teacher Location: Northern California Occupation: Professional Educator (aka teacher); Grade 6, mostly Language Arts and Social Studies Blog: ms_teacher Tell me some of your favorite things about your job Favorite things about teaching: Being able to interact with kids who are mostly good and do try to do what’s expected of them; sharing my enthusiasm for my subject matter – you should hear me talk to them about why I love Mesopotamia, even more than the ever popular Egypt! I also enjoy seeing their growth over the nine months I have them. They come into middle school as scared elementary students and leave at the end