Jeopardy Champ Has Shocking Plan To Overhaul Education, And It Just Might Work! General by Mister Teacher - June 28, 2016July 3, 20161 This article by John Pearson will leave you scratching your head to figure out why you never thought of this simple solution before. With schools and students increasingly getting technology and finding themselves "on-line," it's probably time that we as educators start adapting our academic"hooks" to fit the times. Since so many ads and sites shamelessly use clickbait headlines, I thought it would be a good idea to start a little list going of similar approaches we could take. Please feel free to add your own Here's a homework sheet with 10 word problems -- Number 5 will shock you! The cafeteria served smiley-face potato wedges. You won't believe what happened next! This video will prove you've been estimating wrong your whole life!
10 Things To Do While Joel Is Gone General by Mister Teacher - July 23, 2008July 1, 20100 This is a guest post by Mister Teacher of Learn Me Good. Hello everybody! Since Joel made this forum available, I thought I'd jump on board while the iron is hot (not to mix metaphors or anything). Also, since Joel's vacation and mine (leaving at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow morning for Comic-Con in San Diego) pretty nearly coincide, I figured I should do it sooner than later! For anyone who doesn't know me, I am Doctor Teacher. (Of course, everyone who DOES know me, knows full well that I am not a doctor.) I run a quaint little site called Learn Me Good, which you are all certainly more than welcome to check out, subscribe to, and idolize. Per
The Top 10 Rejected Meanings of TAKS Inspiration by Mister Teacher - January 25, 2008June 30, 20103 This is a guest post by Mister Teacher of Learn Me Good. Mister Teacher teaches third grade near Dallas, TX. Greetings, faithful readers of So You Want to Teach? Do not attempt to change the channel! We have taken control of the vertical; we have taken control of the horizontal; we have taken control of clichés and tag lines from old 60’s sci-fi television shows. Joel has graciously offered me the opportunity to write a guest post here on his blog. So I suppose I should take a moment to identify myself. My name is Mister Teacher, and I have a drinking problem. No wait, now's not the time to say that. Let me
Reader Appreciation: Mister Teacher Reader Appreciation by Mister Teacher - November 9, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Mister Teacher.Name: Mister Teacher Location:Near Dallas, TX Occupation: Teacher, 3rd grade math and science Blog: Learn Me Good Tell me some of your favorite things about your job My coworkers are great, I enjoy all of the funny stories that my job provides, my job is NEVER EVER boring, and when I am finally able to actually TEACH, I feel very rewarded when that little light bulb goes off. Tell me some things you loved about your favorite teacher(s) Kept things interesting, used humor, was encouraging. List some of your most effective classroom management strategies I do the same stuff as Jack Bauer on 24.