Reader Appreciation: Joel Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 26, 2007May 29, 20161 With all of the great responses I have read with the Reader Appreciation Month, I decided to go ahead and fill out the survey as well. Name: Joel Location: The border of Texas and Mexico Occupation: Middle School Band Director Blog: So You Want To Teach? Tell me some of your favorite things about your job Inspiring children. Spreading my passion for music, life, and learning. Watching the students grow year after year. Recruiting kids into my program. Being creative with the music. Transforming students from knowing nothing about how to play an instrument to being able to perform complicated (for them) music by the end of the year. Demonstrating the value of long-range planning to achieve crazy cool results. Guiding students to success, both individually
Reader Appreciation: Pamela Reader Appreciation by Pamela - November 23, 2007May 29, 20160 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Pamela. Name: Pamela Location: Michigan Occupation: Elementary Teacher, Reading Specialist Blog: Blog may be coming soon, but none yet ;-) Tell me some of your favorite things about your job Some of my favorite things about teaching: I enjoy sharing my love of learning and my passion for certain topics. It goes beyond just teaching the's about making a personal connection with the students. Along those same lines, I love sharing the excitement of a good book. When I introduce it and starting talking about it with excitement, the students can't wait for me to start reading. When it's time to stop reading and begin our next lesson, they beg
Reader Appreciation: Jonathan Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 22, 2007July 5, 20101 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Jonathan. Name: Jonathan Location: The Bronx Occupation: High School Math teacher Blog: JD2718 Tell me some of your favorite things about your job I love kids and I love math. How many jobs can combine them? I guess the guy at the carnival who counts the kids getting on the rides, but he has to clean puke, so that's out of the question. Honestly, I can, in the space of 55 minutes, (on a good day) get booed for telling a bad joke, discuss planetary motion or the etymology of "radish," clearly explain how a new-for-them algebra technique flows from their previous knowledge, give
Reader Appreciation: Jeremy Aldrich Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 21, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Jeremy Aldrich. Name: Jeremy Aldrich Location: Harrisonburg, Virginia Occupation: Middle school (6-8) electives - French, Foreign Language Exploratory, and Global Citizenship Blog: Global Citizenship in a Virtual World Tell me some of your favorite things about your job I love the push to keep learning, to keep discovering new questions and to help students discover their own questions. Tell me some things you loved about your favorite teacher(s) My favorite teacher, Mr. Newton, helped me feel like I was a good writer. He inspired me to read and to think and to share. He wasn't fake or shallow with his comments to students.
Reader Appreciation: Clix Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 20, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Clix. Name: Clix Location: Georgia Occupation: Freshman English; Journalism Blog: Epic Adventures Are Often Uncomfortable Tell me some of your favorite things about your job I seem to be good at it. I get to explore stories and try new ideas and encourage others to do the same. It's never dull. I love messing with their heads. I love how wee the freshmen are and watching them grow into young ladies and gentlemen (in theory). I love the power of CONTROLLING LIVES - well, at least for an hour or so a day! I love listening to their ideas and seeing the way their minds
Reader Appreciation: Pat Hensley Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 19, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Pat Hensley. Name: Pat Hensley Location: South Carolina Occupation: I was a high school special ed teacher, now I am a college instructor and educational consultant. Blog: Successful Teaching Tell me some of your favorite things about your job Sharing my experiences and helping unexperienced teachers solve problems Tell me some things you loved about your favorite teacher(s) Making me feel that I was important, listening to my ideas, and learning new things from them List some of your most effective classroom management strategies Improving students’ self concept Have a consistent behavior plan Name (up to) three other blogs that you frequently visit/subscribe
Reader Appreciation: Athena Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 16, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Athena. Name: Athena Location: South Texas Occupation: ELA 9th & 10th grade Blog: Tell me some of your favorite things about your job I like the freedom of the job. I used to be in a cube job where I had to punch a timeclock all the time. Every moment of my job was timed. I sat and stared at 4 grey fuzzy walls everyday. Now, I come to work at my own time. Nobody is watching. Plus, I have control over my job. I decide what and when I teach. I decide if I am going to stay late. I can
Reader Appreciation: Jane Little Reader Appreciation by Jane Little - November 15, 2007July 5, 20102 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Jane Little. Name: Jane Little Location: Los Angeles, CA Occupation: Third Grade Teacher Blog: My Many Colored Crayons // Moved to Out of The Crayon Box Tell me some of your favorite things about your job I love getting to know the kids and I especially love having siblings come up and watching the family grow. It is a real privilege to be part of people's lives like that. When I taught 5th grade it was hard because the kids left our school at the end of the year. I didn't get to see them from afar in the next grade. I didn't get to
Reader Appreciation: Miss Profe Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 14, 2007July 5, 20102 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Miss Profe. Name: Miss Profe Location:The Northeast Occupation: Middle/High School Spanish teacher Blog: It's A Hardknock Teacher's Life Tell me some of your favorite things about your job The kids, the challenge of teaching a second language in the 21st century Tell me some things you loved about your favorite teacher(s) They demanded my best; they recognized my potential. List some of your most effective classroom management strategies Walking around the room, tapping on the shoulder, not shouting over students Name (up to) three other blogs that you frequently visit/subscribe Ms. Whatsit So You Want To Teach? RepairKit
Reader Appreciation: Miss A Reader Appreciation by Miss A - November 13, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Miss A.Name: Miss A Location: Urban city in the South Occupation: Teacher, World history, African American History 9-12 grade. Mostly 9th grade Blog: Confessions From The Couch Tell me some of your favorite things about your job Facilitating games, watching students "get it," being able to explore diverse issues and situations. Tell me some things you loved about your favorite teacher(s) They were interactive, they were demanding, had high expectations, friendly. List some of your most effective classroom management strategies Interactive classroom seating chart, behavior contracts. Name (up to) three other blogs that you frequently visit/subscribe Secondhand Thoughts Teaching in the Inner
Reader Appreciation: Angela Maiers Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 12, 2007May 29, 20165 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Angela Maiers. Name: Angela Maiers Location: Des Moines, Iowa Occupation: National Education Consultant, author, Adjunct Professor teaching post graduate work in the area of reading and literacy Blog: Angela Maiers Tell me some of your favorite things about your job That is a hard one. I LOVE MY JOB. I feel like I have the best of all education worlds. I love teaching grad school, my students are amazingly dedicated teachers, I have the opportunity to travel across the United States helping teachers and schools work at the grassroots level to improve students lives, and my favorite part is working with the students. EAch week, I am invited to do demonstration
Reader Appreciation: Mister Teacher Reader Appreciation by Mister Teacher - November 9, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Mister Teacher.Name: Mister Teacher Location:Near Dallas, TX Occupation: Teacher, 3rd grade math and science Blog: Learn Me Good Tell me some of your favorite things about your job My coworkers are great, I enjoy all of the funny stories that my job provides, my job is NEVER EVER boring, and when I am finally able to actually TEACH, I feel very rewarded when that little light bulb goes off. Tell me some things you loved about your favorite teacher(s) Kept things interesting, used humor, was encouraging. List some of your most effective classroom management strategies I do the same stuff as Jack Bauer on 24.
Reader Appreciation: Eric Turner Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 8, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Eric Turner. Name: Eric Turner Location: Tennessee Occupation: History/Secondary Ed Student Blog: Secondhand Thoughts Tell me some of your favorite things about your job I love learning and I love the interaction between professor and students Tell me some things you loved about your favorite teacher(s) Whew, this is a hard one. I think the things I loved about the teachers I loved is the high standards they maintained, yet were also compassionate, fair, and understanding. Oh, and they each had a great sense of humor. They each inspired me in their own way. How they inspired me is hard to define. Some of the ways were the
Reader Appreciation: Gillian King Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 7, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is Gillian King. Name: Gillian King Location: Sydney, Australia Occupation: I run a marketing consultancy, but I started out as a High School teacher Blog: School of St. Jude -- My blog supports the School of St Jude, a free school for bright kids from the poorest homes, in Tanzania. These kids rarely get to finish primary school, and typical class sizes are 60-70, so the School of St Jude is like a haven for these capable kids. Tell me some of your favorite things about your job One of my favourite things about the School of St Jude that it was started by an Australian
Reader Appreciation: ms_teacher Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 6, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is ms_teacher. Name: ms_teacher Location: Northern California Occupation: Professional Educator (aka teacher); Grade 6, mostly Language Arts and Social Studies Blog: ms_teacher Tell me some of your favorite things about your job Favorite things about teaching: Being able to interact with kids who are mostly good and do try to do what’s expected of them; sharing my enthusiasm for my subject matter – you should hear me talk to them about why I love Mesopotamia, even more than the ever popular Egypt! I also enjoy seeing their growth over the nine months I have them. They come into middle school as scared elementary students and leave at the end