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10 Things To Do While Joel Is Gone

This is a guest post by Mister Teacher of Learn Me Good.

9781411665897-frontcoverHello everybody!

Since Joel made this forum available, I thought I’d jump on board while the iron is hot (not to mix metaphors or anything).  Also, since Joel’s vacation and mine (leaving at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow morning for Comic-Con in San Diego) pretty nearly coincide, I figured I should do it sooner than later!

For anyone who doesn’t know me, I am Doctor Teacher. (Of course, everyone who DOES know me, knows full well that I am not a doctor.)  I run a quaint little site called Learn Me Good, which you are all certainly more than welcome to check out, subscribe to, and idolize.

Per Joel’s suggestion, AND his love of lists, I thought it might be a good idea to post a list on here of Top 10 things to do while Joel is gone.  Oh, and he also said I could blatently plug my site, my book, and other things, so I’m taking him up on that, too.

So, without any further ado, I present to you the

  1. Pick up a copy of Learn Me Good, and laugh till your sides split.  You can order one from, ask at your local bookseller, or request that your library order a copy.  Here’s a little infomercial to get you started, as well as a sneak preview.
  2. Read through Joel’s earlier posts and leave a comment (or 10).  Joel writes some pretty darn good stuff.
  3. Gear up for next year’s Fun Fridays by picking out a few funny teacher T-shirts!  If you wear a shirt that says “Thank God for recess,” or “I love the smell of crayons in the morning!” everyone will want to be your pal.
  4. Go see The Dark Knight and Iron Man.  Even if you couldn’t care less about men in tights (and suits of titanium), the stories, special effects, and acting is fantastic in both.  Thank me later!
  5. Update your blog roll to include So You Want To Teach and Learn Me Good, if you haven’t already!
  6. Check out some of the other really fun blogs that are out there like Regurgitated Alphabits, A Shrewdness of Apes, The Scholastic Scribe, Bellringers, and Mrs. Bluebird. (And about a hundred others!)
  7. Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight.
  8. Read the weekly Mr. Teacher column on and leave a comment or 2.  You can access the archives as well!
  9. Start sharpening those pencils for the beginning of the new school year.
  10. Add a post to Joel’s website as part of his Bloggers Gone Wild insanity!!
See also  Five Ways To Survive the First Day of School
