Where Have YOU Been? Personal by Joel Wagner - October 13, 20100 This school year is turning out to be pretty crazy in a lot of ways. I'm now in my ninth year of teaching and am working firsthand with a third year teacher on a regular basis teaching 6th grade beginner band. I also have the opportunity to work alongside a first year strings teacher, a second year choir teacher, and also in the same district as a first year band director. So my hands have been pretty full trying to fill the role of mentor in some ways with these folks.In addition, my efforts at running have slowed down substantially as I got a stress fracture on my foot in July, continued trying to run despite the pain (and reduced
April Fooled You!!!! Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - April 4, 2009June 30, 20106 Since nobody commented on it, I am not sure that anyone really caught on that Wednesday's post was an April Fools Day joke. It was actually written by The Scholastic Scribe. I don't normally rant in real life, and I'm not about to start doing so on my blog. I'm sure a lot of you were worried, which probably explains why there wasn't a single comment! I posted on Wednesday, but my article 10 Things To Help Keep An ADD-Inflicted Teacher Focused actually ended up on one of the few edublogs I regularly read, It's Not All Flowers and Sausages. I gotta tell you, this was some good stuff in the article also. This whole April Fools Day Switcharoo was
10 Things To Do While Joel Is Gone General by Mister Teacher - July 23, 2008July 1, 20100 This is a guest post by Mister Teacher of Learn Me Good. Hello everybody! Since Joel made this forum available, I thought I'd jump on board while the iron is hot (not to mix metaphors or anything). Also, since Joel's vacation and mine (leaving at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow morning for Comic-Con in San Diego) pretty nearly coincide, I figured I should do it sooner than later! For anyone who doesn't know me, I am Doctor Teacher. (Of course, everyone who DOES know me, knows full well that I am not a doctor.) I run a quaint little site called Learn Me Good, which you are all certainly more than welcome to check out, subscribe to, and idolize. Per
Personal Update Personal by Joel Wagner - September 23, 2007July 5, 20102 No weekend wrapup last week. No weekend wrapup this week either. I'm sorry. I am being overwhelmed by work commitments as well as personal commitments. On a personal note, I preached in church last Wednesday and will preach again this Wednesday. That takes a lot of focus and study time, which really seems to make this blog suffer a bit. In addition, there are just a whole lot of things on my plate right now in the personal life. I'm doing fine, but I just need to take a little bit of time off from posting on here. Don't worry, much more good stuff will be coming back again in November and beyond. This is definitely turning out to be
Weekend Wrapup 09/10/07 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - September 10, 2007July 5, 20100 Life remains busy, but I still seem to find time to get around to this post each week. If nothing more, at least there's something. I'm taking volunteers to guest blog over here during the busy months of September and October. As we get further into the month, things will do nothing but speed up in the band directing world... Ed U. Cater writes about how much he misses last year's students: A New Kind of Teaching Position. He writes of how much respect her has for us middle school teachers. I'm glad to make him proud. I just remind myself that elective teachers have the opportunity to kick the miscreants out and make them office aides or whatever else
But I Don’t Have Time To Subscribe To Your Blog! Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - September 8, 2007July 5, 20106 I knew of RSS about five years ago, but only in the context of news sites. I started seeing the little icon popping up on more and more sites, but I thought very little of it. It wasn't until around a year ago that I was introduced to Google Reader. It revolutionized the way I get information online. If you have never really dug into RSS feeds much and you like to get information online, then it will do the same for you too. I didn't want to spend the time figuring out why I should be interested in this stuff. Then I found out that it's incredibly simple! Getting started in the world of RSS can all be explained
More Links: Wednesday Website #3 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - July 11, 2007July 5, 20101 Wow. Today seems like Link To SoYouWantToTeach day in the blog world. Maybe I really should go on vacation more often! Eric Turner has featured my site as his Wedneday Website #3 for the week. Some of his comments include: First of all, the blog is written by a guy! Finally! A edublog written by a guy! I try. I like this guy cause he is posting some genuinely good stuff for teachers (or future teachers). Additionally, he has done everything possible to help you navigate his website; directing you to the posts you should read first and then elsewhere and such. When I first went on it, I felt like I was on a road map, it was that