Total Teacher Transformation Begins Inspiration by Joel Wagner - May 2, 2009June 30, 20105 This is an article in the Total Teacher Transformation series. Click here for a complete table of contents. As I suspected when I started this blog, there are a lot of teachers who don't really have a strong grasp on how to be a great teacher. The number of emails and comments that I have gotten this year are a clear indication of that. When I take into account that only a small percentage of those who visit my site contact me in any way, I can only believe that the problem is far greater than we can imagine. Is this you? Well, there is hope! Beginning tomorrow, I'm going to start a crash course series on getting control of
The Art of Teaching Beginning Band Music Education by Joel Wagner - July 5, 2008August 4, 201625 Greg recently commented on an article my site. As I typically do, I went to look at his blog Total Music Education and see what he's all about. His blog intrigues me. I didn't have time to read through his entire site, but what I can gather is that he is a music education student in Minnesota. He's still in school but is getting an opportunity to teach a local summer band camp. With the exception of his observation of the horn section in the camp, I haven't found anything on his blog that is offensive. Haha. Nevertheless, reading some of his experiences helped remind me how differently I see teaching beginning band now than I did when I was first starting
One of THOSE Days Personal by Joel Wagner - December 14, 2007May 30, 20164 This may well be the first time I have written about my teaching life without really setting out a solution or providing much helpful information. Let me know what you think. Last Friday, the other band director I work with had a mild stroke. He is recovering and is at home resting now. The doctors told him to not return to work for six weeks. As you might imagine, Christmas is a terrible time for band directors to be out like this. I got to take his band on a Christmas Tour on Thursday, and my band today. We have to make arrangements with other band directors to come over from other campuses to cover the classes that are here and need
Weekend Wrapup 09/10/07 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - September 10, 2007July 5, 20100 Life remains busy, but I still seem to find time to get around to this post each week. If nothing more, at least there's something. I'm taking volunteers to guest blog over here during the busy months of September and October. As we get further into the month, things will do nothing but speed up in the band directing world... Ed U. Cater writes about how much he misses last year's students: A New Kind of Teaching Position. He writes of how much respect her has for us middle school teachers. I'm glad to make him proud. I just remind myself that elective teachers have the opportunity to kick the miscreants out and make them office aides or whatever else
The Fourth Year: Entering The Special Place Personal by Joel Wagner - July 31, 2007July 5, 20100 In the Band Director world, the fourth year in a school district is a special year. When I got my first job, I remember that it was my boss' fourth year in that school district. Everything at the high school is more special during the fourth year than it has been in previous years. I think this concept also applies to most high school coaches as well as elementary elective teachers. Why? There are a number of reasons that this is a special year. The first is that I have been to every high school football game and marching competition that every student in the high school band has been involved in. This year's seniors have gone through