New Horizons Looming…Feedback Requested Personal by Joel Wagner - January 28, 2008July 2, 20106 I will begin setting up and writing in a Music Education blog soon. The idea was to include Music Education content on this blog, but I think that might alienate a handful of the readers and that is the last thing I want to do. So when it gets up and running, I will link to there from here and link from here to there. It's exciting! When that happens, the posting frequency over here may dip a little bit, but I will continue to add great content regularly. I have noticed a change in my posting habits lately as well. It seems that I have begun to find myself on a mission to create more edubloggers. I love what
Weekend Wrapup 09/10/07 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - September 10, 2007July 5, 20100 Life remains busy, but I still seem to find time to get around to this post each week. If nothing more, at least there's something. I'm taking volunteers to guest blog over here during the busy months of September and October. As we get further into the month, things will do nothing but speed up in the band directing world... Ed U. Cater writes about how much he misses last year's students: A New Kind of Teaching Position. He writes of how much respect her has for us middle school teachers. I'm glad to make him proud. I just remind myself that elective teachers have the opportunity to kick the miscreants out and make them office aides or whatever else