Fun Back to School Activities General by Carol Brooke - August 2, 2010September 3, 20120 Carol Brooke, M.S., M.Ed. -- has worked as a K-2nd grade teacher and middle school counselor. She is currently an editor with Teaching Resource Center, an on-line teacher store. Visit Teaching Resource Center for back-to-school teacher supplies, free classroom crafts, and teachers' lesson plans.School is starting in just a few days. I've stocked up on teacher supplies at the teacher store, organized my classroom and planned my curriculum. Well, as much as I possibly can. As I look at my lesson plan book, I stop on the first day. What should I do on the first day of school?Good news! The fun back-to-school activities below require little preparation.Teachers, get ready to hit print on your browser. You'll want to make
Five Ways To Survive the First Day of School General by Kelly Wilson - August 1, 2010June 14, 20103 This is a guest post by Kelly Wilson, an editor for Teaching Resource Center. Teaching Resource Center has quality teaching materials at discount prices. The first day of school for me traditionally starts with decaffeinated coffee. Not my first choice, but I don’t need any extra stimulation. I usually haven’t slept the night before due to anticipation and excitement, but because of the adrenaline pumping through my veins, I feel pretty jazzed up. Over the years, I’ve learned to control my stress level by being prepared. Fuel Up My school starts around 7:45, and I find that I’m starving by 9:00 on the first day. All of the excitement takes a toll on our appetites. Pack a variety of high-protein,