Fun Back to School Activities General by Carol Brooke - August 2, 2010September 3, 20120 Carol Brooke, M.S., M.Ed. — has worked as a K-2nd grade teacher and middle school counselor. She is currently an editor with Teaching Resource Center, an on-line teacher store. Visit Teaching Resource Center for back-to-school teacher supplies, free classroom crafts, and teachers’ lesson plans. School is starting in just a few days. I’ve stocked up on teacher supplies at the teacher store, organized my classroom and planned my curriculum. Well, as much as I possibly can. As I look at my lesson plan book, I stop on the first day. What should I do on the first day of school? Good news! The fun back-to-school activities below require little preparation. Teachers, get ready to hit print on your browser. You’ll want to make copies of the free printables. Star StudentsYour students will understand that academic knowledge is important. However, a combination of academic knowledge, healthy self-esteem and good character lead us towards true wisdom. Here’s the star student activity, which will remind your students how important they are.Materials Star Student Banner Star Student Instructions Back-to-School Star Student Bulletin Board Back-to-School NewsStudents will enjoy sharing their summer experiences. The students’completed work can be displayed on a classroom bulletin board. Materials Back-to-School News Pencils Crayons or Colored Pencils Instructions Make one copy for each student. Students complete the Back-to-School News. Post the on the bulletin board in your classroom. Keep for Classroom Memory Books. My Favorite Name Game This back-to-school game is ideal for directing nervous energy in a positive way. Materials Ball or Stuffed Animal Instructions The teacher and students sit in a circle. The teacher starts by stating his name and a favorite summertime activity. The teacher passes the ball to a student. The student says the teacher’s name, her own name and her favorite summertime activity. Continue until everyone has had a turn. Classroom Rules We all know how important it is to begin the school year with classroom rules. Many teachers involve students in the process. Materials White Board White Board Markers Poster Paper or Construction Paper Markers Instructions Write the following basic rules on your classroom white board:“Be Safe. Be Kind. Be Respectful.” As a team, develop your classroom rules together, using the three basic rules as a guide. Write the rules on the white board. Discuss reasons for the rules. Discuss rewards and consequences. Write the final version on poster board or construction paper. Permanently post the rules in your classroom for the entire school year. See also A Recipe For Less Stress Teachers, You Affect Eternity Our time, energy and devotion will last a lifetime in the hearts of our students. Here’s a quote to help you remember how important you are. “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Henry Adams Carol Brooke