Might As Well Face It-I’m Addicted to Blogs! (and listservs and podcasts…) General by Head Monkey - July 23, 2008July 1, 20101 This is a guest post by Tracey, aka The Head Monkey at Middle School Monkeys www.mrsbowes.edublogs.org aka Trixie at TrashyTvTalk at www.trashytvtalk.blogspot.org My apologies to Robert Palmer for stealing his little ditty from the 80's, but it seemed so appropriate! (I refuse to dress like the zombies in the video, though.) Now that school is out and I have waaaay more free time, I really thought I would be a "good wife/mother" and dedicate myself to domestic responsibilities. Well, the jury is still out, but I'm pretty sure I lost the "Mother of the Year Award" already and Better Homes and Garden is not returning my calls for the 4 page spread. I hired a cleaning lady to do the spring cleaning I never did and my