Twitter And 35 Other Ways To Kill Productivity Personal by Joel Wagner - April 28, 2009June 30, 201010 Here are some quick things that you can do with now that will help you fall further behind in your workload. MySpace Facebook Check your email Edit your blog design Check your blog stats Catch up on RSS Watch TV Watch a movie Take a nap Drive around aimlessly Daydream Window shop Listen to music Take a walk Go to the park Go out to eat with friends Spend your lunch break talking Call a friend Call your mom Read a fiction book Read a magazine Fly a kite Sort your clothes Watch a baseball game Play a video game Surf the internet Read blogs Write in your blog Write an email Text Chat Comment Blog Sign up
The Busyness of Teaching New Teachers by Joel Wagner - January 7, 2009June 30, 20103 I love the week following Christmas break. The students (and teachers) have accustomed themselves to staying up late. Many of them woke up Monday morning earlier than they went to sleep Friday night/Saturday morning. As a result, Monday and Tuesday were sleep-deprived transition days. Classroom management was much simpler on those days than many days so far this year. I can't help but think of those poor student teachers who have started waking up before 10am for the first time in years. With college class schedules having 15 minute breaks built in on busy days and three or four hour gaps of relaxation time on the standard days, how are they handling the workload of a real 8-hour day? What