Student Teaching 2009 Update New Teachers by Joel Wagner - March 22, 2009June 30, 20100 By this point in the semester, some student teaching programs are wrapping up. Others are just about halfway through. Whatever the case, I think most of our student teacher readers are coming to realize that teaching is not quite what they expected it would be in many regards. I think many of them are beginning to realize that they will really miss (some of) the kids after they finish for the year. G. Broaddus recently noted that he has been quite a bit more busy this semester than he anticipated. Unexpected events have taken place. Just under a month ago, he realized that daily blogging is a big commitment. It's okay. His blogging has definitely been valueable for him, as
Life Lesson 2: Don’t Miss An Opportunity, Don’t Spoil An Opportunity Personal by Joel Wagner - August 19, 2008July 6, 20166 So many hours can get wasted with regret. I hear people say all the time that they don't regret anything they have done. Now I think there may be some validity in that statement, but at the same time, I think they're just missing the point. Every experience we have gives us the opportunity to become a better person. Our response determines what we learn from it. At the same time, there is great wisdom in realizing that we made a mistake somewhere along the way and regretting our decision -- or indecision -- at that moment. Only in admitting we are wrong and gaining insight into how we could better respond in the future, will we be able to most optimally
47 Blogs That My Readers Are Reading Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 28, 2007July 2, 20108 As we come to the conclusion of Reader Appreciation Month, I want to summarize some of the things that we have learned. Today, I’ll focus on the incredible depth of blogs that readers have told me they read. So here are the 47 blogs that my readers are reading. A Teacher’s Education Adventures of a Christian Collegian Bionic Teaching The Blue Skunk Blog California Teacher Guy Confessions from the Couch Copyblogger Dangerously Irrelevant Dave Sherman David Armano dy/dan EdNotesOnline Education in Texas The Education Wonks Fred Klonsky Frumteacher Head of the Class History is Elementary Joyful Jubilant Learning Learn Me Good Lorelle on WordPress Ms. Frizzle Ms. Whatsit ms_teacher Musings from a Not-So-Master Teacher New Scientist
Reader Appreciation: ms_teacher Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 6, 2007July 5, 20100 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? Today's featured reader is ms_teacher. Name: ms_teacher Location: Northern California Occupation: Professional Educator (aka teacher); Grade 6, mostly Language Arts and Social Studies Blog: ms_teacher Tell me some of your favorite things about your job Favorite things about teaching: Being able to interact with kids who are mostly good and do try to do what’s expected of them; sharing my enthusiasm for my subject matter – you should hear me talk to them about why I love Mesopotamia, even more than the ever popular Egypt! I also enjoy seeing their growth over the nine months I have them. They come into middle school as scared elementary students and leave at the end