Where Do You Want To Teach? Navigating U.S. State Educator Certification Criteria New Teachers by Edward Kim - April 23, 2009June 30, 20107 This is a guest post by Edward Kim from The Certification Map Team. Joel, thanks for letting us write a guest post on your blog. This site is a great source for educators who want meaningful information with a down-to-earth touch. For Joel's regular readers, thanks for taking your time time to read this post. I want to start out by asking you a simple question: Do you know your state's teacher certification requirements? How many of you have experienced or heard horror stories about people trying to navigate through your state's Department of Education website trying to figure out the certification process (not to mention long phone conversations with the DOE that lead nowhere). It can be a
20 Blogs I Wish Were Around When I Started Teaching Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - April 5, 2009June 30, 201040 When I first started out, I was living by myself far away from home. I didn't have any friends in the community outside of the school. And those were either other band directors or band parents. I didn't do anything to really try to keep in contact with college friends, I sort of had the Lone Ranger type approach. That was way back in 2002. My how things have changed! Now, education prep programs all over seem to be requiring students to read and comment on blogs as part of their education. With that being said, I have seen quite a rise in the number of educational blogs out there since I started blogging two years ago. I have seen
Seven Years Later: 7 Things I Would Do Before My First Year As A Teacher If I Knew Then What I Know Now New Teachers by Joel Wagner - March 21, 2009June 30, 20107 My Twitter friend @MissCalcul8 recently posted on her blog soliciting help from her readers about how to prepare for her first year as an official teacher. She has been subbing some this year. I thought it was a great question, so I wanted to post my responses here as well as send you over to her blog to offer up some more suggestions (and perhaps subscribe to her RSS feed!). So without further ado, here are 7 things I would do before my first year as a teacher if I knew then what I know now. Figure out a classroom management plan (with or without rules) that works well for you. Make friends like crazy with other teachers. If
101 Great Teaching Tips New Teachers by Joel Wagner - November 30, 2008June 5, 20164 A comment was left recently that said, Joel, I really enjoy your blog. You have written some amazing articles that I have printed and put in my first year file. I am currently student teaching right now. I appreciate your honesty about how scary and hard it can be sometimes, but also the greatness in the experience. I am having the time of my life, and I hope the enthusiasm I have stays with me. Your blog is helping, so thank you! If you could give one single piece of advice to a beginning teacher, what would it be? Just curious! That challenged me to see if I could come up with something I hadn't written before that was better (or close