The Busiest Articles of 2008 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - December 26, 2008July 1, 20100 On Wednesday, we looked back at some of The Loneliest Articles of 2008, today, we’ll go to the other extreme and look at the busiest articles of 2008. These are the articles that generated the most comments. I’ve gone through the articles and found those that received the most comments. After boiling down that list, I have come up with the 20 most commented articles. Teaching: Part Time Job At Full Pay Wages???? July 2nd, 2008 (28 comments by 26 authors) (28) Double Your FeedBurner RSS Numbers Overnight January 27th, 2008 (13 comments by 10 authors, 14 trackbacks) (27) The First Ever Music Education Blog Carnival July 1st, 2008 (12 comments by 11 authors, 8 trackbacks) (20) 152nd Carnival
A (Partial) Timeline of Music Education Blogging Music Education by Joel Wagner - November 24, 2008July 1, 201019 In Dr. Pisano's effort to get 100 Music Education (ME) Bloggers by the end of this year, I thought it would be interesting to go through those blogs he has listed and see if I could determine when they all started. 2002 August 30 Frogstory Records' Player Journal starts out with Warming Up 2004 May 12 Educación Musical by Oscar starts out with Aquí comienza la bitácora de Educación Musical 2005 May 13 Catalysts & Connections by Evan Tobias starts out with Mamapalooza August 29 Music Education by Espie Estrella starts out with Music and Kids - How to Instill the Love of Music in Your Child September 1 Music Matters Blog by Natalie