Planting Seeds of Belief New Teachers by Shelly Sanchez Terrell - August 16, 2010August 15, 20102 Shelly Sanchez Terrell is an English teacher living in Germany. She is also the co-organizer and co-creator of the educational projects, Edchat and The Reform Symposium Conference. Find more of her challenges on her education blog, Teacher Reboot Camp or in her free e-book, The 30 Goals Challenge. Find her on Twitter, @ShellTerrell. I remember having a lesson observed for my teacher certification. The lesson didn't go well and my observer made it a point to let me know how miserably I failed. I have gotten critiques before, but this one was different. I felt like a failure. My observer had not liked one thing I did in my lesson. I felt as if I wasn't a good teacher. No teacher likes that feeling.
February 2009 Music Education Blog Carnival Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - February 5, 2009June 30, 20101 In case you missed it, the February 2009 edition of the Music Education Blog Carnival is up over at The Collaborative Piano Blog. The carnival is still going strong after its 8th edition, and it's exciting to see it perpetuating! Join in for the March edition. July 2008 - So You Want To Teach? (22 submissions) August 2008 - MusTech.Net (14 submissions) September 2008 - Amy M. Burns (16 submissions) October 2008 - Teacher in a Strange Land (16 submissions) November 2008 - Composing Like Mad (13 submissions) December 2008 - Discover, Learn, Play (12 submissions) January 2009 - Theresa White’s Education In Music (15 submissions) February 2009 - The Collaborative Piano Blog (26 submissions) Don't forget to submit your favorite blog article to the March
The Busiest Articles of 2008 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - December 26, 2008July 1, 20100 On Wednesday, we looked back at some of The Loneliest Articles of 2008, today, we’ll go to the other extreme and look at the busiest articles of 2008. These are the articles that generated the most comments. I’ve gone through the articles and found those that received the most comments. After boiling down that list, I have come up with the 20 most commented articles. Teaching: Part Time Job At Full Pay Wages???? July 2nd, 2008 (28 comments by 26 authors) (28) Double Your FeedBurner RSS Numbers Overnight January 27th, 2008 (13 comments by 10 authors, 14 trackbacks) (27) The First Ever Music Education Blog Carnival July 1st, 2008 (12 comments by 11 authors, 8 trackbacks) (20) 152nd Carnival
The Loneliest Articles of 2008 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - December 24, 2008July 1, 20101 In the Christmas break, I am looking back at this blog’s growth and development. I did this last year and it helped some of the newer readers to catch some of the things they missed out on. I know that since the year started with around 125 subscribers and is ending with around 600, many of you haven't gone in and dug through the archives. These year-end summaries will help you out a little bit! As I look through the blog’s archive, it strikes me that there are some articles that have either been buried deep in the archives, or for whatever reason, have gone unnoticed by my readers. So I am giving all of those articles a chance to
November Edition of the Music Education Blog Carnival General by Joel Wagner - November 2, 2008July 1, 20100 The 5th edition of the Music Education Blog Carnival is up over at Composing Like Mad. Be sure to check out the wonderful music education resources and also submit your own article for the December Edition. Also, if you are a music educator and you blog, let Joseph know and join us in our effort to have 100 ME bloggers signed up by the end of December. Only 13 more to go!
5 Guilty Pleasures On My iPod Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - October 1, 2008July 1, 20106 The 4th edition of the Music Education Blog Carnival is up over at Teacher in a Strange Land. Our beloved host Nancy asks the question, "What five songs on your iPod do you consider guilty pleasures?" It's difficult to boil it down here with over 11,000 tracks (somewhere around 5,000 songs and 6,000 sermons) on my iPod, but I'll see what I can come up with. Here they are: The Devil Went Down To Georgia performed by Mariachi Sol De Mexico The song itself is not too off target for a Texas boy, but the fact that I recorded this off of a live performce video on YouTube makes it all the more funny. Mariachi Sol De Mexico's trumpets
Speedlinking 9/5/08 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - September 5, 2008July 1, 20104 I have done a poor job lately of pointing out some of the great blogs out there that have included So You Want To Teach? in their posting. Thank you so much for considering SYWTT to be a great resource! If you have linked to me and asked me to do something, I'll get to it. It is on my back-logged list of things to do. I expect a series of responses to some recent emails coming soon, and I would also expect me to be returning some of the link favors soon. As you may have noticed that So You Want To Teach? has slowed down quite a bit lately. This is to give me and you a break
The End of Summer Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - August 1, 2008July 1, 20106 Well, my summer has come and gone. I want to first of all extend my appreciation to all of the bloggers who posted while I was out. I am interested in hearing some impressions of the little experiment from the community here. If you posted something (and even if you didn't), let me know if you enjoyed reading the other perspectives and the whole experience. I had an incredible trip. It was nice to get away for almost 10 days. But alas, high school summer band has started up now. With that goes my summer vacation. I am simply wrapping everything up now and getting things under control as the new school year rolls in. I will do a sort
The First Ever Music Education Blog Carnival Music Education by Joel Wagner - July 1, 2008July 1, 201012 Welcome to the very first edition of the Music Education Blog Carnival! I have sorted through the submissions, weeded through them some, and now present to you some absolutely terrific articles here! We'll start out by sorting things out a little bit. The articles came in basically three categories: Practice, Practice, and more Practice, Teaching Tips, 21st Century Music Resources, and The Life of a Music Educator. Practice, Practice, and more Practice Without a doubt, the common denominator between all musicians is the practice experience. Love it or hate it, we all must do it if we are to get better. We need to do it even if we simply want to stay where we are. The two most entertaining
The Music Education Blog Carnival Music Education by Joel Wagner - June 17, 2008July 1, 20104 On July 1st, 2008 the very first Music Education Blog Carnival was featured on So You Want To Teach? This is something that Joseph Pisano over at MusTech.Net and I had been discussing for a couple of months, and we finally got around to starting it up. What is it? Much like the Carnival of Education, the Music Education Blog Carnival features blog articles from around the blogosphere. These articles all focus on music education and topics that might remotely be interesting to music educators. What do I do? I want to encourage anyone who has an article somewhere in their blog's archives that might relate to submit it. It doesn't have to be a recent article even.