The End of Summer Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - August 1, 2008July 1, 20106 Well, my summer has come and gone. I want to first of all extend my appreciation to all of the bloggers who posted while I was out. I am interested in hearing some impressions of the little experiment from the community here. If you posted something (and even if you didn’t), let me know if you enjoyed reading the other perspectives and the whole experience. I had an incredible trip. It was nice to get away for almost 10 days. But alas, high school summer band has started up now. With that goes my summer vacation. I am simply wrapping everything up now and getting things under control as the new school year rolls in. I will do a sort of Bloggers Gone Wild wrap-up this weekend, but I wanted to give a shoutout to Joseph Pisano and thank him for hosting the 2nd edition of the Music Education Blog Carnival. Go check it out! Joel WagnerJoel Wagner (@sywtt) began teaching band in 2002. Though he had a lot of information, his classes were out of control. He found himself tired, frustrated, disrespected by students, lonely, and on the brink of quitting. He had had enough. He resigned from his school district right before spring break of his second year and made it his personal mission to learn to be a great teacher. So You Want To Teach? is the ongoing story of that quest for educational excellence.
I enjoyed blogging gone wild. i got a lot of new hits and me a lot of new people. Thanks for giving me the opportunity.
Hey Joel, It’s really cool to read the experiences of others who have posted their articles here. You should do this again. Glad to see that you enjoyed your time away on vacation. We all need a break sometimes in our life. You’re doing an amazing job with your blog.
I enjoyed the opportunity to write for a different audience. It was also fun to read some different bloggers. I tend to not wander too far outside my regular blogs. This experience may have given me some new blogs to read and may have brought me one or two new readers. Thank you for the trust!
Welcome back! I loved your experiment, and enjoyed writing for a new audience – everyone is so nice here. Thanks for the opportunity. And best wishes with the beginning school year!
I really liked your post! Come and join me in spreading a great meme–” Five Things I Wish Policy-makers Knew About My Class (or My Kids, or My School). Here are the rules for sharing/sending this meme: 1. Create a list of five things you wish policymakers knew or understood about your classroom, your school or your students. Post it on your blog. 2. Title your blog post “Meme: Five Things Policymakers Ought to Know” and link it back to my blog: 3. The originator of the meme is Nancy Flanagan, Teacher in a Strange Land.