Laying Out A Legacy Personal by Joel Wagner - August 27, 2009June 30, 20106 A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how my friend Junior had posted on his blog calling for people to write about what kind of a legacy we wanted to leave. I have been thinking a whole lot over the past few months about my progression as a teacher, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to really flesh out some about what kinds of things I have been through. I've sort of broken things down by year and I would be interested to know how many other teachers could say their progress as a teacher has been similar. Clearly I have not yet arrived, but I have learned a handful of things along the way, and it's been
Information Overloaded? 10 Quick Tips To Tame The Tide Stress Reduction by Joel Wagner - March 16, 2009June 30, 20102 Think back 5 years. March 2004. It feels like an eternity ago! For me, that was when I really hit the wall. That was when my head director told me that my contract would not be renewed. I resigned in lieu of nonrenewal. I spent the remainder of the semester learning like crazy. In fact, that is the experience that eventually formed the inspiration to begin this blog (read more here). But that's really not the point of this email, the thought just struck me and I realized how quickly time passes and how much I've grown since then. 5 years ago, there was no MySpace (until August 2003), no Twitter, no Facebook. Nada. Blogs were beginning to take off
SYWTT Celebrates Two Years – A Brief History (2007) Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - February 11, 2009June 30, 20106 A Matter of Priorities During my first two years of teaching, I discovered that I had a whole lot of information, but the students just weren’t listening to me or learning from me. It is not, mind you, because I was giving them wrong information. It was, however, because I had placed the priorities in the wrong order. When we have the proper perspective, we will end up teaching far more than we ever imagined we might teach. And so began the very first post on the blog that would turn into So You Want To Teach? That was posted two years ago today, on February 11th, 2007. Over the remainder of this month, I will be looking back at
The Twelve Days of Teaching General by Joel Wagner - August 12, 2007July 5, 20104 EDIT: I replaced the original image I had on here. This one was taken from Transitions Abroad's website. It's a classroom in Guatamala. I so desperately want to go overseas (at least out of the US) and teach for a summer, or even for a year. That has nothing to do with the remainder of the article, but I thought I'd throw it in there. On the first day of teaching, my Teacher gave to me: A classroom management plan [...] On the twelfth day of teaching, my Teacher gave to me: Twelve (+3) tips to stay positive Eleven (+4) survival tips Ten Reasons to teach Nine (+1) organization tips Eight recruitment keys Seven career savers Six