But It’s Not Your Fault! General by Joel Wagner - November 10, 2008July 1, 20108 Have you ever caught yourself trying to blame other people for something that is entirely your fault? Do teachers ever yell at kids for the teacher's failure to prepare? Never!!! We had our Homecoming Parade this week. I was there with the seventh grade band and we were setting up. One of the parents who was there with me noticed that I had put them in lines and they were out of lines and talking. She asked me if I wanted her to get onto them about it, because they were in for a rude awakening when they get to high school. I smiled and told her it wasn't necessary. They were out of line, but I told her it
All Work And No Play Makes Joel A Dull Boy Personal by Joel Wagner - July 24, 2007July 5, 20107 I live in a relatively small town that is more than 20 minutes from the next closest smaller town, and more than 2 hours from the next closest larger town. I try to get involved in the community here, but I also want to maintain my own privacy. As a band director in a small town, I automatically achieve, at least minimally, some sort of celebrity status. It is difficult for me to go to the grocery store or a restaurant without seeing at least one family I know. I try not to let that really bother me, but one of the nasty side-effects of that is that I end up spending WAY more time at school than is really