Thank You For A Great Year! Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - December 31, 2009June 30, 20103 Over 10,000 of the visits to SYWTT this year came from nine sources. The top three alone actually sent me over 6,200 visitors. This is incredible, and I need to thank all of you for the help you've provided me. Top referring blogsThese are the blogs that have sent the most visitors my way in 2009. I cannot thank these people enough for taking the time out of their schedule in one way or another and finding something on my site that resonated enough with them to send their readers my way. You people rock! It's Not All Flowers And Sausages with the post 50 Reasons Why I Enjoy Being A Teacher Guy Kawasaki with the post 20
Another List of Top EduBlogs Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - January 13, 2009June 30, 20105 Over the last almost two years that I have been reading and writing blogs, I have come across a handful of lists of Top Education Blogs. Normally, I discover them when I either get a trackback or (more commonly) when a pagr refers someone over to my site. The latter was the case today. As far as the rankings I've seen before, this one was the most intriguing. Instead of simply using Technorati data or any type or arbitrary kind of thing, Jason Falls (an outsider to the world of edublogs) pulled a list of 150 EduBlogs, and ranked them based on reader interaction over the past 30 days through Postrank. All in all, it is definitely an intriguing methodology
An “Online Magazine Rack” Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - March 13, 2008July 2, 201011 I recently got an email from Guy Kawasaki, the noted Apple evangelist. He writes: Yesterday we announced a website that is a collection of "single-page aggregations" organized by topics such as Fashion, Celebrities, Sports, Gaming, Macintosh, Science, Green, and Autos. Here people can find odd news from dozens of sites, side-by-side, at a glance--think of it as an "online magazine rack." I hope that you will like it and will spread the word. I'm not exactly sure how So You Want To Teach? ended up in the list, but Alltop recently added an education category. Somehow, they have decided to include this blog in their list of 75 or so. Somehow somebody somewhere decided that my writing is