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101 Ways To Make Students Hate Your Class

We’ve all had our share of students whose purpose in life seems to be making our own life miserable. If you haven’t, well you’re in luck. Here is a list of ways to make students hate your class.

101 Ways to make students hate your class

101 Ways To Make Students Hate Your Class

  1. Be boring
  2. Be mean
  3. Be inconsiderate
  4. Be confrontational
  5. Be negative
  6. Be consistently sarcastic
  7. Be impatient
  8. Be satisfied with good enough
  9. Argue with students
  10. Yell at students
  11. Threaten students
  12. Pick favorites
  13. Don’t learn names
  14. Misspell names
  15. Don’t try to pronounce names correctly
  16. Discourage students
  17. Focus on insecurities
  18. Compare students unfavorably with their siblings
  19. Compare students with other students
  20. Don’t allow students to use the restroom in obvious emergencies
  21. Haphazardly allow a “revolving door restroom policy”
  22. Makes lots of rules
  23. Make unnecessary rules
  24. Inconsistently enforce rules
  25. Ignore obvious misbehaviors
  26. Selectively criticize minor mishebaviors
  27. Assign detention daily
  28. Don’t set clear expectations
  29. Create an antagonistic learning environment
  30. Embrace stereotypes
  31. Share your opinions often
  32. Prejudge students based on what other teachers tell you
  33. Assign frivolous classwork
  34. Assign frivolous homework
  35. Don’t give feedback on grades
  36. Ignore district grading policies
  37. Set hard deadlines that leave no room for error
  38. Don’t allow makeup work
  39. Make a habit of not counting homework
  40. Input grades irregularly
  41. Miss school a lot
  42. Go back on your word
  43. Don’t care about students
  44. Compare yourself to other teachers
  45. Criticize other teachers
  46. Criticize administrators
  47. Don’t answer emails
  48. Don’t return phone calls
  49. Remain in  your classroom all day
  50. Gossip with other teachers in the hallway
  51. Spend instructional time on returning emails or phone calls
  52. Eat during class
  53. Don’t prepare for technology breakdowns
  54. Use outdated technology
  55. React rather than respond
  56. Lecture frequently
  57. Show videos frequently
  58. Use one instructional method exclusively
  59. Ignore looks of confusion on the faces of students
  60. Don’t check for understanding
  61. Give pop quizzes regularly
  62. Avoid asking questions your students can answer
  63. Force uninterested students to participate in class
  64. Make test questions ridiculously hard
  65. Make tests with 50 or more problems
  66. Make tests with 4 or less problems
  67. Ignore real-world implications of your subject matter
  68. Make frequent allusions to musicians, TV shows, or movies that were popular 30 years ago
  69. Make frequent allusions to musicians, TV shows, or movies that were popular 3 years ago
  70. Try to be trendy
  71. Type loudly while students are working
  72. Talk loudly while students are working
  73. Sing, whistle, or make other noises to yourself
  74. Say “umm” regularly
  75. Use “library voice” all the time
  76. Use “teacher voice” all the time
  77. Ask personal questions
  78. Single students out in front of others
  79. Have private conversations publicly
  80. Call parents on speaker phone during class
  81. Take things personally
  82. Talk about your personal life frequently
  83. Be secretive about your personal life
  84. Arrive to work late
  85. Leave work early
  86. Take mobile devices away from students
  87. Violate staff mobile device policies
  88. Blame students
  89. Blame parents
  90. Blame administrators
  91. Complain without offering solutions
  92. Teach the same material every year
  93. Go through the motions
  94. Don’t push yourself to grow
  95. Set low expectations for yourself
  96. Set low expectations for your students
  97. Frequently remind students how long you have been teaching
  98. Count down the days until the weekend
  99. Count down the days until Christmas break
  100. Count down the days until the summer
  101. Count down the days until retirement
See also  5 Questions To Ask Before You Teach Each Class

What do you think? Leave a comment with some more ways you have accidentally found to make students hate your class.

Joel Wagner (@sywtt) began teaching band in 2002. Though he had a lot of information, his classes were out of control. He found himself tired, frustrated, disrespected by students, lonely, and on the brink of quitting. He had had enough. He resigned from his school district right before spring break of his second year and made it his personal mission to learn to be a great teacher. So You Want To Teach? is the ongoing story of that quest for educational excellence.

Joel Wagner
Joel Wagner (<strong><a href="">@sywtt</a></strong>) began teaching band in 2002. Though he had a lot of information, his classes were out of control. He found himself tired, frustrated, disrespected by students, lonely, and on the brink of quitting. He had had enough. He resigned from his school district right before spring break of his second year and made it his personal mission to learn to be a great teacher. <strong><a href="">So You Want To Teach?</a></strong> is the ongoing story of that quest for educational excellence.

One thought on “101 Ways To Make Students Hate Your Class

  1. I want why students hate classroom
    Plz anyone give me this tomorrow is my declamation

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