Top 10 Ways To Improvise Your Way to Being A Better Teacher General by Joel Wagner - June 24, 2013June 8, 20162 This summer I made the decision to go on a somewhat extensive tour of a few of the major cities in the Northeast United States. During the process, I reconnected with my friend Nelson, with whom I marched drumcorps 17 years ago. I haven't seen him in the intervening years and so it as been great to catch up with him the past few days. It turns out that he has spent the last few years doing comedy in and around the Chicago area. We went to The Second City Comedy Club last night and watched a completely improvised musical about a Golden Fleece. We have talked extensively at meals over the last few days as well. Some of our conversations
The Evolution of Marching – 38 Years of DCI World Champions [VIDEO] Music Education by Joel Wagner - May 22, 2010June 30, 20100 As the school year winds down, band directors invariably begin turning their minds towards the upcoming marching season. This year, I have a 7th grade percussionist who knows a ton of trivia about Drum Corps International. His father used to march and has taught across the country, so he comes to middle school with a much better background of the history of drumming than most students. Over the last few weeks, I've been having some conversations with him and I began to realize that he doesn't know a lot about the old history of marching, and I don't know a lot about recent marching history. So I thought I'd go look through the YouTube archives and watch parts of as
The Best of SYWTT 2009 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - December 31, 2009June 30, 20100 Over the past (almost) three years of blogging, I have learned a lot more about myself, teaching, blogging, WordPress, CSS, HTML, and social media than I ever really thought I would. Most of it has been good, or at least fun. Some of it hasn't been all that great, but I keep on keeping on. As we close out each year, I like to take a sort of retrospective on the past year and look at some of the most popular articles from the year. I've traditionally broken this retrospective into three individual posts (2007 Loneliest/Busiest/Overlooked, 2008 Loneliest/Busiest/Overlooked), but this year I'll do things a little differently and pack everything into one huge year-end blowout. The busiest articles of 20092009 really
Student Teaching: Week 2 Review New Teachers by Joel Wagner - January 18, 2009June 30, 20105 So most schools have started their student teaching by now. If you know someone who has a blog and is student teaching this semester, please encourage them to contact me (or leave a comment) so that I can add their blog to my list. I was encouraged to read some of the great comments that came out on some of the posts from last week. Hopefully you can keep doing that this week. Here's what I found in the world of student teaching this week. Saturday January 10 G Broaddus was Reflecting on student teaching , week 1. He also writes about Myths in the teachers' lounge. Some good reflection, and some not-so-good reflection happens in there! Wish him
Networking To Save Your (Teaching) Life General by Joel Wagner - September 23, 2008July 1, 20104 Everybody makes mistakes Everybody has those days Everybody knows what what I'm talkin' 'bout Everybody gets that way Nobody's Perfect! I gotta work it! Again and again 'til I get it right Nobody's Perfect! You live and you learn it! And if I mess it up sometimes, Nobody's perfect! Oops. I got a little carried away there in my Hannah Montana glam rock! Sorry about that. But it's true, everyone messes up. Our students do, and so do we! I found that having a small group of teachers nearby really helped me out in the early years. I would go to dinner with some, I would call some up, I would visit some after class. However we stayed in contact,
152nd Carnival of Education Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - January 2, 2008July 2, 201012 Welcome to the January 2, 2008 edition of The Carnival of Education. I have been asked to host this party, so fasten your seat belts, tighten your shoelaces, batten down the hatches, and let the good times roll. How's that for a cliché riddled sentence? Last time I hosted, I got quite a few positive comments. So hopefully you will enjoy this time around as well. If this is your first time visiting my blog, welcome! I'd love it if you stick around, subscribe, and contribute to the conversations! Looking for somewhere to start, check out The Busiest Articles of 2007, then if you're in a real commenting mood, go visit the poor Overlooked Articles of 2007 and The Loneliest