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152nd Carnival of Education

916103_42351340.jpgWelcome to the January 2, 2008 edition of The Carnival of Education. I have been asked to host this party, so fasten your seat belts, tighten your shoelaces, batten down the hatches, and let the good times roll. How’s that for a cliché riddled sentence?

Last time I hosted, I got quite a few positive comments. So hopefully you will enjoy this time around as well.

If this is your first time visiting my blog, welcome! I’d love it if you stick around, subscribe, and contribute to the conversations! Looking for somewhere to start, check out The Busiest Articles of 2007, then if you’re in a real commenting mood, go visit the poor Overlooked Articles of 2007 and The Loneliest Articles of 2007. They will all appreciate new life!

If it’s not your first time to visit, it may feel like it is. I completely redesigned the site and added lots of cool things. The most notable of which are the Gravatars. If you want to be cool, you’ll set yourself up one of them!

But enough of my shameless self-promotion, I’ll let our guests have their turn…

As I did last time, I want to start out with my favorite 5 articles that were submitted, followed by lists upon lists of other submissions…

The best of the best
With over 30 entries from which to choose, I had plenty of options. These 5 really jumped out at me. If I had to choose again, I would end up with a different list. These are great, but dig deeper into the bottom of the carnival. You’re not teaching this week anyway, right?

#5 Teachers’ New Year’s Resolutions::Part 1 posted by Paul Cancellieri at Scripted Spontaneity

#4 The Ultimate Guide to Cramming for an Exam posted by Tony H at The Scholarpreneur

#3 Teachers As Salespeople posted by Mathew Needleman at Open Court

#2 Christmas update posted by Mister Teacher at Learn Me Good (Order his book for all of your friends now to ensure delivery by next Christmas)

And the best article of the carnival (as determined by me, the all-knowing host)…

#1 Step One: Read the Paper posted by NYC Educator at NYC Educator

A little controversy never hurt anyone, right?
These are fun. Nothing like controversy to generate tons of comments. Featuring them in the Carnival is bound to generate a handful more… (hint, hint)

  1. Gay Pride T-shirts At School? posted by Darren at Right on the Left Coast
  2. Controversy…It’s a Good Thing! posted by historyiselementary at History Is Elementary
See also  Three Years of So You Want To Teach?

Looking back; looking forward
The New Year is a perfect time to look back and look forward. I’m spending tomorrow really digging in and setting some goals for this year. I spent last week looking back at what I did with my blog this year. It looks as though I’m not the only person who has been doing some retrospection lately.

  1. The Best Online Learning Games — 2007 posted by Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites Of The Day For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
  2. Slackers, Inspirations & New Year’s Resolutions posted by Carol Richtsmeier at Bellringers

The teacher’s life
Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, spring break, summer break…just when is The Best Time To Be A Teacher? There’s so much more to teaching than the breaks. I love them, but I have to admit that I do miss the kids a little bit.

  1. Found Art posted by CaliforniaTeacherGuy at CaliforniaTeacherGuy
  2. Internet Privacy: Employers vs. Employees posted by John Phillips at The Word On Employment Law
  3. Accountable or Responsible? posted by Bill Ferriter at The Tempered Radical
  4. The future of education, part 1 posted by Brett Pawlowski at The DeHavilland Blog
  5. Word problems in Russia and America posted by Denise at Let’s play math!

A student’s life
I found some good articles you can share with your students, or with your friends who are in college. You can also share them with your friends who homeschool.

  1. 10 Secrets to Mastering Any High School Test posted by mgopi at E-CYCLOPEDIA
  2. 25 Realistic Ways to Spend Less and Save Money in College. posted by Matthew Paulson at American Consumer News
  3. CT Online High School Classes – Good for Homeschoolers ? Or Not? posted by Judy Aron at Consent Of The Governed
  4. Farmers’ Market posted by Marjorie at Life Without School
  5. A Review of the Residential College Movement in 2007 posted by Bob O’Hara at Higher Education News from the Collegiate Way
  6. New Ways to Improve Study Skills posted by Patrick A. Sizemore at College Information for Smart Students

Charter school bonanza
Maybe two articles isn’t a bonanza, but it’s still more than I was expecting. Interesting stuff here…

  1. Charter School Proposal posted by Mr. McNamar at The Daily Grind
  2. Detroit: For-Profit Charters Minimize Risk At Expense Of Poor, Minorities? posted by Phil Hayes at The CEA Blog

Short and sweet
One of the articles is short, one is about bananas. The other two just kinda got here a bit late and got lumped into the mix.

  1. Urdu and Mandarin to be part of school curriculum posted by Naomi at Diary From England
  2. Intern Program Tips posted by James D. Brausch at
  3. going bananas posted by naturelover at dominican dreaming
  4. Making the Leap posted by T at What It’s Like on the Inside
See also  Twitter Guide for Teachers

There’s always one in the bunch…
Please excuse the inadvertent banana pun. I didn’t catch it until I reread the carnival. It looks like muse has had too many.

  1. Back to “Routine” posted at me-ander
  2. Teaching/Learning Foreign Languages posted at me-ander
  3. I Left My “Mark” posted at me-ander

Looks like there were two this time! Blog also had one (or two or six) too many! Oh well, we won’t discriminate. Just make sure you get their keys before they leave.

  1. The Coursework Design posted at Blog
  2. Architecture Project Design posted at Blog
  3. Argumentative Essays posted at Blog
  4. Writing Your Research Paper posted at Blog
  5. MLA Essay posted at Blog
  6. What You Should Avoid When Considering Your Topic Essay posted at Blog
  7. Your Research Paper Format posted at Blog

Well folks, party’s over. Thanks for stopping by. Please don’t make us show you the door. We want to wish you the best year of your life here in 2008! Be sure to start sending your carnival entries in for next week’s party hosted by the Columbus Education Agency. If you run out of things to read, go back and look at some of the previous carnivals. If you would like to host one of these here carnivals, then email Edwonks at owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net and get on the rotation.

Joel Wagner (@sywtt) began teaching band in 2002. Though he had a lot of information, his classes were out of control. He found himself tired, frustrated, disrespected by students, lonely, and on the brink of quitting. He had had enough. He resigned from his school district right before spring break of his second year and made it his personal mission to learn to be a great teacher. So You Want To Teach? is the ongoing story of that quest for educational excellence.

Joel Wagner
Joel Wagner (<strong><a href="">@sywtt</a></strong>) began teaching band in 2002. Though he had a lot of information, his classes were out of control. He found himself tired, frustrated, disrespected by students, lonely, and on the brink of quitting. He had had enough. He resigned from his school district right before spring break of his second year and made it his personal mission to learn to be a great teacher. <strong><a href="">So You Want To Teach?</a></strong> is the ongoing story of that quest for educational excellence.

12 thoughts on “152nd Carnival of Education

  1. Great party, Joel!
    Sorry about that whole incident with the shrimp cocktail. I’m sure the stain will come out of the ceiling. Can you point the way to my floating rickshaw?

  2. Dude, you crack me up. Fortunately I don’t have to read your book in detention any more! Those kids were wondering why I was making them sit there in silence while I was over there trying to keep from laughing out loud…so unfair.

  3. Well, Joel, the cat’s out of the bag. Now that you like the cliche finder almost as much as I do, you are now a card carrying member of the “get a life” club. ;-) (An interesting aside, when I point out to the kiddos that they have written a cliche, someone always tells me that it’s not a cliche because they’ve never used it before. sigh.

    Great job putting everything together. I hope everyone thinks of me today as I am back at work. No, it’s not a teacher WORKDAY, it’s a real teaching day. So y’all think of me as you sit on the couch, eating bonbons and reading (isn’t that what teachers do in all that spare time we have?). I, of course, will be busy as a cat on a hot tin roof.

  4. Thanks for the great compliment. I very much suspect the teachers choosing scripts are precisely those you suggested, but on the other hand, in NYC they make anybody teach anything. I was very grateful to have them when they forced me to teach math.

  5. Looks like we’re getting some comments with Gravatars attached now. Great stuff. I’ve found that some other blogs are including them too without even knowing it. Gravatar support is now built into blogs automatically. It’s worth the five minutes it takes to set up an account and attach avatars to your email address(es).

    As an aside, thanks to everyone who has been commenting on my new layout. I’m having fun learning how to do these cool things. If you pay me, I can turn your comments into a different color too. Ha.

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