7 Steps To Financial Freedom [VIDEO] Personal by Joel Wagner - November 2, 2009June 30, 20103 This is a video of Dave Ramsey presenting his 7 Baby Steps. Following the summary video are 10 more videos with more specific details. If you haven't heard Dave Ramsey before, you need to subscribe to his podcast. Now. The Baby Steps Intro Budgeting Baby Steps Debt Snowball The Emergency Fund Retirement Investment College Savings Pay Off Mortgage Be A Giver Build Wealth Live Like No One Else
10 Things You Can Do To Spend Less Money This Summer Personal by Joel Wagner - June 30, 20097 A friend from college recently posted the following on her Facebook status:How do teachers not spend so much money over the summer???I threw a quick response in my typical list-type style, but then I realized these things might benefit some of my readers as well. So here's the list I gave her:Go to dollar movies (actually first run movies are $3 where I live)Find a friend who works on the country club and go play golf for free on his days offPractice guitar (for church) and trumpet (for mariachi)Go to the park (disc golf is cheap)Budget and use cash for all purchasesOur bowling alley has $1 Tuesdays and buy one get one free on Mondays -- there may be similar
Transitioning To A Teaching Career And Making Ends Meet General by Joel Wagner - June 28, 2009June 28, 20097 I recently got an email from a reader who found my blog and is looking at moving into the teaching field. This individual has been in the business world for over two decades and has recently been laid off. Last month I was laid off from my position with a multi-billion dollar company as a national recruiting manager. I have a friend that went through iteachtexas.com last year and is finishing her first year as a middle school teacher [in Texas]. Talking to her has really made me think hard about teaching. In almost every job I have held, I have found a way to teach someone something. I have taught martial arts and have over a decade of experience working with teens in church. I love
Really Cool Personal Finance ebook Personal by Joel Wagner - May 9, 2009June 30, 20100 Do you teach economics? I challenge you to use this in your class. Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance On Just One Page Okay, it's actually a 49-page ebook that explains the one page, but it is well worth a review. It is tragic how many of us got out of high school without truly understanding simple financial concepts. You know, Spend less than you earn, live frugal, earn money, live with the future in mind (avoid credit cards), and follow your dreams.
18 Again Personal by Joel Wagner - December 30, 2008July 1, 20100 I saw a great post on The Yellow Board today. The author asks a simple question: This is a little "out there", but let's say you could go back in time and and meet yourself when you were 18. You could tell yourself one thing, and zap, you were back to the present. What one thing would you tell yourself, even if it changed the present? I thought about this and decided I would let "me" know about Sept.11,01. What about you? I hope you don't tell yourself not to be a band director or to buy stock in Microsoft. What would help the world or others instead of just you? My response would be, "Avoid debt entirely." If I
So You Got A New Job! Should You Go Out And Buy A Bunch of New Crap? Personal by Joel Wagner - September 27, 2008July 1, 20102 Just because you have a new job doesn't mean that you need to spend everything you make. Just because you got your first paycheck doesn't mean you need to spend it all. The temptation is there. Don't do it! Listening to Dave Ramsey, I frequently hear him take calls from listeners who have racked up tens of thousands of dollars of credit card and/or student loan debt as well as having car and mortgage payments that they simply cannot afford. This is a trap that all too many people fall into. Ask how much, not how much down Aim to not carry any debt. That may mean that it takes a bit longer for you to get something than you
Life Lesson 3: Avoid Debt Personal by Joel Wagner - August 31, 2008July 6, 20165 Debt will kill you. The fastest way to waste your income is to pay interest. The fastest way to maximize your income is to earn interest. As long as you have debt (like most of us who graduate from college do), then every penny you spend is borrowed money. Avoid debt at all costs. If you have debt, make a conscious effort to get out of debt as fast as you possibly can. Dave Ramsey's plan is the easiest and most effective that I have found. Go to his website and take advantage of the $10 special this weekend to buy The Total Money Makeover for a great price of $10. Act now! 7 steps to get out of debt Get $1,000 cash
Urgent Personal Finance Advice Personal by Joel Wagner - June 21, 2008July 1, 20101 This public service announcement is brought to you by Seth Godin. Read it at once.