Latest Carnival of Education Posted Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - November 3, 2009June 30, 20100 I have been asked to pass along a request. Unfortunately, I had a pep rally this morning and a football game this evening. I'm hosting the next EduCarnival at my blog (, and there aren't a ton of submissions. Since you have a widely read blog, I was wondering if you could post a short thing about how people could still submit today? It's too late to do it through the form, but they could email me links directly at EDIT: It's now too late to submit...but check out the EduCarnival V2 Issue 11 anyway.
Asperger’s General by Joel Wagner - December 11, 2008July 1, 201037 Miss A writes about a student she has who is being tested for Asperger's. She has had some difficulties with him lately. I responded: Just curious…how much do you know about Aspregers? It is similar to autism (both disabilities are different levels of Pervasive Development Disorders). While the student may be using the disability as a crutch, it is very likely that the group work that he has to do in biology is very different from the group work he does in history. That being said, the situations may be completely different in his eyes. As far as coming up with a different assignment, I think it is your obligation to do this as an educator. I have a student
Hurricane Ike Personal by Joel Wagner - September 13, 2008July 1, 20104 I got an email from one of the readers concerned about me and Hurricane Ike. No, I'm nowhere near the huge hurricane, though I do have some friends who are in the area. At least one of them is pretty much directly in the path of the hurricane, and he decided to stay home. I talked with him a few times yesterday. Over on the Texas-Mexico border, there is not a single drop of rain, so life is going on as normal. We had a middle school football game on Thursday, a high school game last night, and I have a couple of mariachi gigs this weekend (both outside). I also have some family members in the Houston area and
Weekend Wrapup 08/27/07 Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - August 27, 2007July 5, 20101 Today is the first day of school in Texas. Even though the school year starts later, the football season doesn't. I'm sure some of the kids have already begun to burn out because of so much practicing for the last four weeks or so. But the high school band has a football game to play at next Friday, so we have a lot of work yet to do. Fortunately, it has been a terribly mild summer in South Texas, so it could have been much worse. John shows that I'm not the only educator out there who places a high value on personal productivity. Check out his list. A different John shows the value of custodians. We had a speaker
The Fourth Year: Entering The Special Place Personal by Joel Wagner - July 31, 2007July 5, 20100 In the Band Director world, the fourth year in a school district is a special year. When I got my first job, I remember that it was my boss' fourth year in that school district. Everything at the high school is more special during the fourth year than it has been in previous years. I think this concept also applies to most high school coaches as well as elementary elective teachers. Why? There are a number of reasons that this is a special year. The first is that I have been to every high school football game and marching competition that every student in the high school band has been involved in. This year's seniors have gone through