The Evolution of Marching – 1994-1998 [VIDEO] Music Education by Joel Wagner - May 27, 2010June 30, 20100 As we close out the school year and begin looking toward the summer, band directors turn their minds toward marching arts. This year, I'm going through some history and exploring The Evolution of Marching via YouTube. I'm taking you along for the journey as well. As music selections moved away from the more traditional Broadway and Latin Jazz themes that had dominated the early years of drumcorps, corps began focusing more on classical-type (mostly Romantic era and early 20th century) and concert band music. This development continued through the bulk of the 1990s, with the addition of more elaborate props and other visual elements. 1994 - Blue Devils Video unavailable. In 1994, Star of Indiana left DCI and began touring
The Evolution of Marching – 1988-1993 [VIDEO] Music Education by Joel Wagner - May 26, 2010June 30, 20100 As we close out the school year and begin looking toward the summer, band directors turn their minds toward marching arts. This year, I'm going through some history and exploring The Evolution of Marching via YouTube. I'm taking you along for the journey as well. Last time we saw how the Garfield Cadets transformed the marching by speeding things up and adding pass-thrus and of course the famous "Z Pull." If 1983-1987 was about revolutionizing marching style, 1988-1993 was about bucking the traditional musical elements. One of the key innovators in this area was The Star of Indiana, who left DCI following the 1993 season. 1988 - Madison Scouts 1989 - Santa Clara Vanguard 1990 - The
The Evolution of Marching – 1983-1987 [VIDEO] Music Education by Joel Wagner - May 25, 2010June 30, 20100 As we close out the school year and begin looking toward the summer, band directors turn their minds toward marching arts. This year, I’m going through some history and exploring The Evolution of Marching via YouTube. I’m taking you along for the journey as well. So far, we've seen the first 11 years of DCI. In 1983, the Garfield Cadets began their three-year of DCI dominance with some of the most innovative marching drill ever seen. The Blue Devils won in 1986, and the Cadets were back on top in 1987. 1983 - Garfield Cadets 1984 - Garfield Cadets 1985 - Garfield Cadets 1986 - Blue Devils Embedding disabled, click here for the video. However, since every other year was dominated by the Garfield Cadets, here is
The Evolution of Marching – 1977-1982 [VIDEO] Music Education by Joel Wagner - May 24, 2010June 30, 20100 As we close out the school year and begin looking toward the summer, band directors turn their minds toward marching arts. This year, I’m going through some history and exploring The Evolution of Marching via YouTube. I’m taking you along for the journey as well. Yesterday, we saw some classic footage from the first five years of DCI. Today, we'll look at the next six years. 1977 - Blue Devils I can't find a video! I did find one of the Kilties from 1977 (11th Place) though. 1978 - Santa Clara Vanguard Embedding disabled. Click here to watch the excerpt. Here's the 1978 Phantom Regiment (2nd place) finale. 1979 - Blue Devils Video unavailable. Here is the 1979 Guardsmen (7th Place). Notice by this point the "pit" section has
The Evolution of Marching – 1972-1976 [VIDEO] Music Education by Joel Wagner - May 23, 2010June 30, 20100 As we close out the school year and begin looking toward the summer, band directors turn their minds toward marching arts. This year, I'm going through some history and exploring The Evolution of Marching via YouTube. I'm taking you along for the journey as well. Today, we'll look at the first five DCI finals. Since video footage is rare from these days, I am really surprised to be able to find recordings from each of these years. 1972 - Anaheim Kingsmen YouTube Embedding disabled, watch the excerpt here 1973 - Santa Clara Vanguard 1974 - Santa Clara Vanguard 1975 - Madison Scouts Another video is available here but the embedding is disabled. I link to this one because the first is a standstill performance, and this one
The Evolution of Marching – 38 Years of DCI World Champions [VIDEO] Music Education by Joel Wagner - May 22, 2010June 30, 20100 As the school year winds down, band directors invariably begin turning their minds towards the upcoming marching season. This year, I have a 7th grade percussionist who knows a ton of trivia about Drum Corps International. His father used to march and has taught across the country, so he comes to middle school with a much better background of the history of drumming than most students. Over the last few weeks, I've been having some conversations with him and I began to realize that he doesn't know a lot about the old history of marching, and I don't know a lot about recent marching history. So I thought I'd go look through the YouTube archives and watch parts of as
Planned Neglect Personal by Joel Wagner - December 27, 2009June 30, 20102 The new year always brings with it a certain air of excitement and a new set of challenges. 2010 is no exception. With the first major chunk of the 2009-2010 school year out of the way, I'm looking back on where it has taken me and there are, quite honestly, a great number of changes that I see as being pressing needs in my life. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be looking more in-depth into some of these changes and really digging into where I see things headed. Entering this year, I am 31 years old. While this isn't old by any contemporary standards, I also look at some of the notable people throughout history and
Laying Out A Legacy Personal by Joel Wagner - August 27, 2009June 30, 20106 A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how my friend Junior had posted on his blog calling for people to write about what kind of a legacy we wanted to leave. I have been thinking a whole lot over the past few months about my progression as a teacher, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to really flesh out some about what kinds of things I have been through. I've sort of broken things down by year and I would be interested to know how many other teachers could say their progress as a teacher has been similar. Clearly I have not yet arrived, but I have learned a handful of things along the way, and it's been
My Crazy Summer of Aught Nine Personal by Joel Wagner - August 10, 2009June 19, 20160 This summer has been the best summer of my teaching career so far. Unfortunately for you, I haven't blogged about it a whole lot. As I get back into the routine of things a little bit more, I will have some more time and energy to begin writing about some of the things that I have experienced and why it is that this summer has been so good. It all started back at the end of May when I made the decision to miss school on Memorial Day so I could go spend the weekend with my family. My sister was in town and my cousin had a party celebrating his graduation from Med School as a neurosurgeon. I hadn't seen
Golf And The Art of Teaching General by Joel Wagner - July 12, 2009June 30, 20103 This summer, I began playing golf. I've actually wanted to learn for a while now as I have a handful of friends who enjoy the game. Over the last few years, I have expressed that interest to some of my friends. Last spring, one of my friends saw me at church and told me to come out to his truck. When I got there, he handed me ten golf clubs. So last summer, I went to a couple of driving ranges a few times and learned from some of the good golfers in my life. One of these men in particular has really been helpful. It's great that he also happens to be the best golfer I know, and I
Just What Is A Good School Inspiration by Tom Anselm - June 28, 2009June 30, 20104 This is a guest post by Tom Anselm. His book, You're Never Too Old For Space Camp is available in Ebook or Paperback formats from "My kids go to a good school" What parent doesn't want to be able to say this about the bricks and mortar location where they entrust their offspring for 7 hours a day, 180 days a year, again and again. And for that matter, what teacher worth his or her salt doesn't want to be able to say with some conviction, "Yeah, I work in a good school." This word "good" when used in the context of quality holds so much meaning. It brings us to the question of this article. "What is
Almost Finished Personal by Joel Wagner - June 2, 2009June 30, 20100 We are halfway through the Total Teacher Transformation series. I've been pretty much forced to take a break from it because of the busyness of the end of the school year. It will resume next week. This week, I plan to do a wrapup of the 08-09 school year. I just thought I should drop all of you a note to thank you for continuing to visit and link to my blog and also let you know I am still alive...
Total Teacher Transformation Begins Inspiration by Joel Wagner - May 2, 2009June 30, 20105 This is an article in the Total Teacher Transformation series. Click here for a complete table of contents. As I suspected when I started this blog, there are a lot of teachers who don't really have a strong grasp on how to be a great teacher. The number of emails and comments that I have gotten this year are a clear indication of that. When I take into account that only a small percentage of those who visit my site contact me in any way, I can only believe that the problem is far greater than we can imagine. Is this you? Well, there is hope! Beginning tomorrow, I'm going to start a crash course series on getting control of
Falling Behind Personal by Joel Wagner - January 25, 2009June 30, 20105 I have an admission. If you've emailed me in the last year or so, you may have caught on. The thing is...I am behind. On like everything. With work, church, and mariachi, I tend to remain pretty busy. But when I'm home, often I will sit here looking at blogs, playing catchup in Google Reader or my email, checking my blog stats, checking out Facebook, chatting with friends, and doing all sorts of time-wasting things. These things are all right in and of themselves, but when combined, they lead to me neglecting things such as basic housekeeping, laundry, filing my bills, cooking, and even sleeping. Then I find a burst of energy, sit down, start sorting through my emails, and
Are You Student Teaching Next Semester? Blogging & Technology by Joel Wagner - December 7, 2008July 1, 20105 If you are going to be student teaching in the spring semester of this school year, I want you to contact me. Before the end of this month. I am beginning work on a major project that will benefit you (and other students) tremendously. Either comment or email.