My (Totally Unexpected) Love Affair With Running Personal by Joel Wagner - July 6, 2010July 6, 20106 I used to hate running. But I tried it this year and have become convinced that running is the gateway drug of the fitness world. You can walk forever without feeling the need to do anything more. I find it exceptionally difficult to make a concentrated effort of running and not have visions of marathons, triathlons, or being in South Africa playing for a World Cup team. Back in January, I came up with this crazy idea to set out to run a 5K. I say it's a crazy idea simply because I was somewhere around 100 pounds overweight. Simply the thought of running anywhere was absolutely unreal. But I have a handful of friends who run marathons and I
Goal-Setting 101: 4 Essential Elements of All Life-Altering Goals Inspiration by Joel Wagner - January 5, 2010June 30, 20100 In the past I've come up with New Year's Resolutions, and more recently Visions for the Year. They sort of helped to guide the first four to six weeks of the year, but rarely have lasted much beyond that. This year is different. This year I'm for real. I've decided to create a BHAG - a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal - for myself. I am making active steps in moving forward on the goal, and I am setting myself up to either win big or fail big. It will not be a quiet ending, whichever way things pan out. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The first thing I'll do is go over the basics of goal-setting, and then give