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9 Free Tools For Better Blogging

In this article, Karen Schweitzer digs into some tools that blogging educators can use. She initially listed 15 in 2009, but 6 of those tools are no longer around. So now, enjoy 9 Free Tools For Better Blogging.

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Teachers and other education professionals who are interested in starting their own blog or integrating blogging into a classroom can find many online resources to improve their blogging experience. Many of these resources are free and easy to implement on a variety of platforms. Here are 15 no-cost tools to explore today:

Edmodo – This free microblogging platform was created for students and teachers who want to be able to blog and share files through a private connection. Edmodo works a lot like Twitter–it allows threaded replies and a place to share links and embeds–but it does not limit posts to 140 characters.

TeacherLingo – TeacherLingo is an online education community where teachers can connect, create blogs, and share blogs.

Edublogs – Edublogs are free blogs for students and teachers. Features include customizable themes, an automatic spellchecker, video insertion devices, importing capabilities, and exporting capabilities.

Thingamablog – Thingamablog is a desktop blogging platform that makes it easy to set up and maintain multiple blogs. Users can publish blogs remotely, import posts, make posts from various feeds, and dynamically update blog entries.

International Edublogger Directory – Education professionals who have their own blogs can join this international directory. The International Edublogger Directory is also a good place to find and connect with blogs that are similar to your own.

SupportBlogging – This site was created to promote the benefits of educational blogging. Site resources include information on educational blogging and a list of education-related blogs.

Editor’s Note: The SupportBlogging site has moved to

Twitterfeed – This free Twitter app can be used to automatically feed your blog to your Twitter account–perfect for blogging teachers who are trying to manage multiple online accounts.

Google Translator – Google’s free translator gadget allows blog visitors to automatically translate your blog posts into another language. The Google Translator supports more than 40 different languages.

Deep Log Analyzer – The free edition of Deep Log Analyzer is great for bloggers who want to see what their visitors are up to. The analyzer tracks blog activity and reports statistics.

Karen is the Guide to Business School. She also writes for, an online college class resource.

Karen Schweitzer
Karen is the Guide to Business School. She also writes for, an online college class resource.

3 thoughts on “9 Free Tools For Better Blogging

  1. Wow, there are so many helpful ideas on this blog. It’s amazing really. Sometimes my brain goes on sensory overload when I open the page. But this post was really beneficial. I’m going to try some of these tools.



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